One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven
Becoming a man is the biggest challenge you'll ever have.
There are 12 things you need to do, if you are to reach manhood.
Of course in one way all you have to do to become a man is to stay alive. Physically you will grow into a man.
As you reach different birthdays you'll be given some of the 'tickets' of adulthood, whether you're ready or not.
So, at 18 you'll be allowed to drink alcohol, even if you have and emotional age of six. You'll be able to vote at 18, even if you think Humphrey B. Bear is President of the U.S.A, and Canberra is a brand of salami.
You'll be allowed to go to R-rated films, although your ideas of sex might be based on what you've read on toilet walls, and you think violence is a good way to communicate with other people. After a few tests you'll be able to drive a car, even if you are vicious and irresponsible.
But to become a man who is mature, independent, responsible and wise you'll need to do a little more than just stay alive and have birthdays.
It's worth going for it though. There are a lot of good things about being a man, including...
- You take control of your own life
- You can protect others
- People look to you for leadership
- You can make things happen
You can reshape the world, on a small scale - for example, by building your own house or becoming a youth worker; or on a big scale - for example, by producing a movie that's a huge international hit
- You can help others
- A whole new wold of interesting experiences opens up for you
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