One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven
- Sex with a woman: obviously the best way to have sex is in a loving mature relationship, where both people are committed and there for the long term.
Sex is an act with big implications. If you think it's on the same level as watching TV or playing table tennis, you're missing the meaning. You haven't got much idea of what's going on.
But if you want to have sex with a woman as some kind of conquest, that you think will make you a man, better you should go to a brothel than take advantage of a girl you know. To have sex with someone you know, pretending you care for her when in fact you just want to 'collect' her as a 'trophy', is an act completely lacking in integrity and honesty.
Most Australian states now have legal brothels. These can be found in the Yellow Pages under Adult Products and Services. Not all places listed are brothels. Some for example are escort services. Common sense will usually tell you which ones are brothels.
Brothels can be recognised in the street by the fact that most have pink, crimson or scarlet lighting or decorations, and names like 'Temptation' or 'Club X'.
The minimum age for males going to brothels is 18. The average cost for intercourse is $100. Condoms must be worn, and these are supplied by the brothel. Appointments need not be made. You simply turn up. The usual procedure is that you'll be invited into an area where you won't see other clients and they won't see you. Several women, perhaps three or four, will come out, and you'll be invited to choose one. She will then take you to a room where you have to wash your genitals and put on a condom. Kissing is not usually part of the deal, but the woman will make it clear what the limits are: respect what she says and act with courtesy at all times.
If you think there is a reasonable chance that you are gay, don't put yourself under unnecessary pressure by attempting this experience.
- Going to war: you can join the Army Reserve at the age of 17. They give you full military training, at weekends and during live-in camps. If you join, you have to attend for at least 14 days a year, but most members do more than that: on average, 40-50 days a year. You will be paid at least $65 a day tax free, and an extra $24 a day when you're out 'in the field' doing training exercises.
If you have a job your employer has to allow you time for Army Reserve activities.
If Australia goes to war, or if the government decides you are needed, members of the Army Reserve are ordered to join the full-time Army immediately, and are not allowed to refuse.
There are also Naval and Air Force Reserves.
You can get more information on the Army, naval and Air Force Reserves by calling 13 19 02.
- Killing an animal: I would suggest that killing an animal with a rifle is weak. Especially if you use a high-powered rifle, or a rifle with telescopic sights. It is cheating, because you are not using your natural skills: you are using the technology of the rifle manufacturer. Under those circumstances a six-year-old could kill the animal.
The only genuine hunting for land animals is that done with the traditional weapons, like a bow and arrow. It is still quite high-tech, because modern bows and arrows are pretty sophisticated. But you will actually have to use your own skills. You will have to stalk the animal. It will be extremely difficult. But if you succeed, your achievement will mean something.
For further information, try under Archery in the Yellow Pages.
Given the need to help our native fauna, who are under threat in so many ways, I suggest that your only legitimate prey in Australia today are feral and imported animals: rabbits, foxes, cats, pigs. I personally don't believe that duck shooting is an honourable activity, if only because of the number of rare and protected birds that are accidentally shot each year by duck hunters.
You should not go after pigs unless you have vast experience. Wild pigs are extremely savage. They can and do kill humans.
Incidentally, the above comments do not of course apply to farmers who use rifles to get rid of vermin: hunting in that situation had a totally different meaning.
Another way of killing animals is through fishing. Again, using technology to make the hunting easy, so it's almost impossible to fail, is cheating. It.robs the activity of its meaning.
I suggest that fly-fishing is the truest form of fishing available nowadays. It requires skill, cunning, and is active, not passive. There is no sitting in a boat or on a jetty with your line in the water, half asleep, when you fly-fish. Fly-fishing is a craft.
You will need someone to teach you fly-fishing, and if you don't know anyone, the Yellow Pages, under Angling, or fishing shops like the 'Compleat Angler' chain will help you.
Of course if you're fishing for fun, or to get food, by all means go down to the jetty, or out in a boat. That's perfectly legitimate. It depends again on the reasons you have for the activity.
If you don't have access to the country for hunting, or the water for fishing, you might get enough satisfaction just by joining a rifle or pistol club, and shooting on a range at targets. These clubs can be found in all major cities. Look in the Yellow Pages under Gun Clubs.
The three activities discussed above - having sex with a woman, going to war, killing an animal - may, as I say, be very powerful. But they have never, in any society, been the full story when it comes to being a man. In fact you may consider that they are no longer meaningful or appropriate in the modern world. In the real, deepest sense of the word 'adult' they are meaningless.
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