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The start page. Includes a News Section. Here, MM7 gamers have a chance to share what's on their minds. This page. Acknowledgements. How to get in touch with us. Just to make sure nobody's rights are violated. About T.E.L.P. and this site. And a couple of Webmaster notes. What kind of help do we offer those lost in Erathia? Look here. Our FAQs. Got a question? You're probably not alone ; ) Lists and descriptions of all the quests of MM7. Under Construction Under Construction The mechanics of Combat explored and explained. Our pride and joy. You'll be hard pressed to find better qualified help anywhere ; ) Overview of the available reference material. The complete list of spells of MM7. Potions and how to make them. Every weapon and enchantment. Armor, rings etc. Available skills and trainer locations. Overview of the NPCs of the game. MM7 offers more variations of player characters. Look here for guidance. Info on the new races available - advantages and drawbacks. Contains an overview of all available classes and their promotions. How do they look? Judge for yourself ; ) We give you advice on how to put together your party. Overview of available map types. Bird's eye view. The entire gameworld. Cities and suburbs. Inside a dungeon filled with monsters, a map can come in most handy. Miscellaneous. Look here for an overview of those things that didn't fit in the other categories. The stories of Might and Magic are long and twisted. Find out what's really going on : ) Pictures from the game. Once you're done, be sure to register your score. Will contain editors, add-ons etc. as they become available. Visit other great MM7 sites and messageboards via direct links or the Webring. |
© The Erathian Liberation Party 1999 |