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Alberta born, I was amazed and in awe of the prairies while young, when life was simple.
Years later, while living in the remote mountains of Northern British Columbia,
I became forever enchanted with the deep forest wilderness.
Though I've traveled much since, that has remained my favorite home.

While growing up,
Though extremely monetarily poor,
I was virtually unaware of it, we lived so far from society.
I enjoyed a rich heritage of love, language, and heartfelt faith, throughout my extended family.
Nurtured by a reading mother and two aunts; and a storytelling father, grandmother, aunt and uncle,
I began writing poetry and stories at the age of eight,
at the top of an old plum tree.

Experiencing the time of my mother's
nervous breakdown, when I lived away from home,
I found myself writing even more. I wrote poetry mostly for comfort. But writing endless stories
of adventures and disasters even greater than my own, carried me through those years.
Praise God, my loving mother was eventually able to recover. And I will
always give her the main credit for breathing the magical fire
of language into my young mind. For it developed
into a passion which has
never ceased.

Over the years, I've had many articles of non-fiction published in magazines such as
"Home Education", "Growing Without Schooling", "The Exceptional Parent",
"Nursing the Dying Child", "Nathhan", "Sharing Our Caring",
and "Gentle Spirit", (among many others) as well as
a chapter in the book "Adopting Children
With Special Needs: A Sequel",
published by the North
American Council
on Adoptable

I'm a strong believer in a supreme and loving God Who is my personal Savior,
and Who created me to be a somewhat reclusive dreamer, a dancer to
different music, intensely nurturing, and perhaps a bit
too individualistic, but then, perhaps not...
I'm a survivor of an extraordinary, multifaceted life,
a hopeless romantic, and mother of dearly beloved
children, who are mostly grown now.

Also I'm the mother of dearly beloved
children whom I adopted one by one, as I found them, because each of them
had a terminal illness, were without a family, and I wanted to give
them ours for their own, on their difficult journies. Each of those
children I loved passionately, and always will; though they
have gone on before me...

I'm currently working on a book tentatively titled "Gold Leaves in Winter"
telling these very special children's tender stories.

(It seems I have lived many lifetimes. At times it has seemed too many.)

I'm the happy and grateful wife of the wonderful man
I've loved since eleven years old, and who is my
main inspiration, being my fascinating
companion in writing. We are
enjoying our peaceful
years writing

Carrying the torch for my husband forever!

days until the day our love for each other reaches the forty-four year mark!

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Hoarfrost][ Sorrow][ Vision Through a Keyhole]
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Snaps From a Childhood]

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