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  • A Fallen Tear
  • Rubber Boots
  • Wind Chimes
  • Oh Tall Lonely Fir
  • Healing
  • Quiet Snowfall
  • Thank You, Father

  • * * *

    A Fallen Tear

    That single, silent, burning tear
    Held the tight throat ache of this endless year
    Swelled with empty loneliness of the night,
    And our hopes and dreams hiding from my sight.
    ~ ~ ~
    Filled with deepest grief from a little lost face,
    It absorbed in his shirt during our embrace.
    It spilled from the helplessness of the day;
    And, unknowing, he carried it away...

    * * *

    Rubber Boots

    like old rubber boots
    ~ ~ ~
    my life lay cast upon a dusty
    second-hand shelf waiting for someone
    to fumble through the dark corner and find me
    as the soles swelled with moisture and softened with age
    until they could no longer keep even tears away they
    were pockmarked where betrayal ate holes
    and trust fell out; where fear chiseled
    through me and peace fell out;
    where loss consumed me
    and love fell out;
    where time
    in me and
    youth fell out; but
    then a light shone and I felt
    God’s ancient intricate wisdom, kind as
    sunlight on a mountain morning
    crawling through the holes
    into the hollowness
    ~ ~ ~
    bringing a

    © 1997 Rosemary J. Gwaltney

    * * *

    Wind Chimes

    When you came back home,
    You collected old discarded pipes,
    Cutting them to chime perfectly on key;
    Lifting them with caring hands -
    Hanging them from the fir tree just so.
    Now wind chimes ring pure in the darkness.
    ~ ~ ~
    When you came back home,
    Piecing together my scattered life
    Meticulously - as you tuned the chimes -
    Your smile warmed the leftovers of me,
    Long stale in the ice-box of loneliness.
    ~ ~ ~
    You brought back my broken fragments
    That had been in your pocket since you went away;
    Breathing new love into my withered heart. Then
    Taking out the perfect pearl called trust,
    You tenderly tucked it back in.
    ~ ~ ~
    Tuning up our ancient chords, with quiet resolve,
    You patiently shone our old fine memories
    With your gentle, caring soul;
    Blessing my life with sweet sensitivity,
    Until our deepest passion shone again,
    Chiming new love perfectly in tune in the darkness.

    * * *

    Oh Tall Lonely Fir

    Oh tall lonely fir,
    leaning sad across the sky,
    I’ll be the cloud you dream against
    when darkest winter’s nigh; when the summer sun’s
    memory is haunting you, and long-gone clear skied moonglows
    are taunting you.
    I’ll be the quiet brushing of spring breezes surrounding you with
    fragrance and warmth. I’ll be the breath of a bird’s wings
    fanning your branches. I’ll touch you with the freshness
    of the rain, the tenderness of the snowflakes against
    your graceful form. I’ll be the song that lilts
    around you. I’ll be the silent fingers of
    light trailing over the mountains at
    sunrise to caress you.
    Oh tall, lonely fir, leaning ever
    sad along the wind, I know your
    roots so deeply spiraled
    into your earth’s


    * * *


    Mountain stars draping overhead
    A majestic black shawl sequined in silver
    The magic of your presence surrounding
    My pain like a down comforter
    We stand hand in hand by the clearing
    Fringed in black laced firs
    Watching the moonlit gleaming river below
    Long have we waited for our forest again
    Our wounded souls leaning together
    Healing spirits calmed at last

    * * *

    Quiet Snowfall

    And when the snow began,
    The glass windows frosted over,
    And every twig glinted with ice.
    ~ ~ ~
    A memory floated down with the flakes
    All silver and white
    Its anger long bleached away
    Singing ancient songs
    From dreams preserved carefully
    Within the velvet lining
    Of my heart’s jewelry box
    Bringing back the music
    Rocking me with love for you
    And shining that pearl called trust;
    Carefully returning it
    To its rightful place.
    ~ ~ ~
    Then I heard once again, our music
    Ringing together as of old,
    Through the winter night.

    * * *

    Thank You, Father

    You brought him back
    To lift the heavy gray tapestry
    And hold out his hand
    He led me from my living grave
    A Lazarus with new breath.
    You allowed his eyes to meet mine
    And You guided my footsteps
    Out of the darkness
    One by one, holding on.
    Father, You created fresh love
    And graced us with it.
    When we both felt hopeless
    You blessed us with new hope.
    When we both felt empty
    You filled us with new joy.
    When we both felt hollow
    You shone our pearls of trust
    And gently, slowly sealed them back
    Inside our wounded spirits.
    Thank You, Father in Heaven.
    Thank You

    * * *

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    © 1997 - 2002 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.