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A Wind In the Firs


Passion Moves
There's Just Something About Music
A Droplet of Fire
No Wider Wonder
Where Squares of Moonlight Touch
Your Touch
Autumn Bonfires
The Red Dress
Second Honeymoon

Passion Moves

Passion moves
As a window shade
Blown by a sudden breeze
As a bare leg against smooth sheets
As a gentle sigh in dreaming
~ ~ ~
Passion moves
In a sheening moonlit arc
In the softest sunrise
Tiptoeing across the mountaintop
~ ~ ~
Passion moves
Like the motion of the grasses
When the wind lays them down
Across the meadows
Like a whisper breath of spring
Unwrapping buds in quiet splendor
~ ~ ~
Passion moves
For you

(C) 1999 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

There’s Just Something About Music

You whistle Greensleeves
while you cook, this autumn night.
~ ~ ~
Do you know my inner being
is swirling around you?
Can you feel my desire
for our joining?
Is the kaleidoscope of my
memories visible to your spirit?
My love for you wraps tenderly
around your dear familiar form.
~ ~ ~
You move peacefully about the kitchen,
your delicious lips pursed in music;
I can feel them urgent upon my own.
You open the oven, and I remember
you sweetly opening me, and stoking
my own fire as I awakened yours.

You carefully fit the long fillets in the skillet,
and I think of the entrées to come ...
~ ~ ~
Ah, Greensleeves;
as my eyes trace your quiet steps;
with melting love, my ardent musing sips;
and oh, how gentle is that sound
from your honeyed lips.

(C) 1999 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

A Droplet of Fire

like spritzer down my spine
licked shining your passion and desire
cloning exquisitely behind my eyes in this wakeful
night with you wrapped around me like warm cucumber
vines in summer slumber
~ ~ ~
darting surges of wild
cinnamon stroke the naked curves of
starlight, plump melons lie ripe and fragrant in this
wide open night while the moon hums over lilac’s crisp foliage
and the piquant scents of earthy shadows rest
in the mint and ginger garden
~ ~ ~
listening to the savory sweet
firm fruit swelling star-kissed and eager to
dance with lightening in exotic and flowing pulse, I turn,
within your arms, reaching tenderly into
your dream ...

(C) 1999 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.


A wind arises so deep within
as choruses shift through the firs,
I crave to be in your arms again;
wild zestful breeze of loving stirs.
~ ~ ~
Such giant fronts direct the skies
to sweep the clouds and dance in trees;
the lusty drive that through me flies,
and reticence to lushness frees.
~ ~ ~
Come quickly to our bed of fire,
where rising winds of heat release
our luscious motions of desire,
and arms in which we find such peace.

(C) 2000 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

No Wider Wonder

I know no wider wonder
Than this trembling delight
Ah, the way you treasure me!
Through all these years
Through so many tears
Our love has only deeper grown.
~ ~ ~
The way your eyes shine
The tender gaze you place on me
Gentle as the brush of a wing
Soft as the whisper breath of spring
Unwrapping buds in silent splendor.
~ ~ ~
The love in your eyes is as
Flickering sunlight reaching slender hands
Through golden poplars.
~ ~ ~
Your eyes move my spirit
Like wind dancing on the surface of water
Ah, the way you treasure me,
I know no wider wonder!

(C) 1999 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

Where Squares of Moonlight Touch

across the black pearl
of this warm, quiet night
sweet wild mint floats
like cirrus clouds

touch this warm as down
with your field rough hands

drop my silk on the bare wood floor
while squares of moonlight pour
through window glass
lying lighter than feathers on our skin

tender my mouth with yours
I’ll slide my tongue against you
until skin against skin ignites me
with your rigid craving

this shiver shakes me
like a blizzard wind -
hot as the desert sun

where we swim together
until I feel you diving
saving me
from drowning -
bursting into light

(C) 2002 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

Your Touch

Your hands and your eyes speak louder
To my heart than life
Move my mind more swiftly than the wind
Flare my soul with more heat than the sun
Melt my body more tenderly than water
~ ~ ~
The touch of your big hand
So loving on my welcoming skin
Ever awkward from your boyhood
Endearing in its uncertainty
Even after thirty-six years
Its rough skinned warmth
Speaking worlds of love to me
In its eternal gentleness -
So reasurring through life's storms ...
Even the one when you were flung
Behind the glass - apart from me;
For even in that nightmare time,
The matching of your hand to mine
Still comforted my spirit
As ever it will do
As ever it will do

(C) 1998 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

Autumn Bonfires

What do I do, left with a young girl’s heart,
stars still in my eyes over you?
What do I do?
What can I say with my yearnings alive;
burning like autumn bonfires today?
What can I say?
In my eyes, you’re still the boy
who used to be; the young man who
loved me like no other ever could. I don’t care
about the changes whispering in on the wings of the years.
I only see the love in your crinkling sea-blue eyes.
Somewhere within, I am young forever;
nipples raising, skin quivering for your touch.
I am a shimmering mirage of youth;
body arching toward you, tender fingers reaching.
I’m aching for you to skinny-dip into
the stream of my raw passion, and stubborn-salmon swim
between my hungry thighs to the river-head; where
it all began at the birth of our desire. My
body a fresh oasis for that thirst,
tucked miles into your desert
of lost lives and loves.
Inside, I am a girl again tonight;
heart thudding, breath quickening,
every nerve trembling ... longing ...
for your loving hands sliding softly across the sheet ...

(C) 2000 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

The Red Dress

lies waiting with
her red dress on, sprawled
exotic, easy and soft undulating on
the waterbed flickering her candles at us,
beckoning all week long, here I am with my
endless private hours to give you; come inside, lock
the door, tangle limbs, take time, raise breathless to the sky
your eroticism; sail away on fiery winded wings of tongues and
fingertips; of kisses, embraces and skin sliding upon warm
smooth skin; ah, I am torrid Saturday; freeing you;
lick your flamed desire ‘till the playful night
tip-toes slowly past and a bright
and unwelcome sun runs
its eraser across
our time

(C) 2000 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

Second Honeymoon

In the rich forest's
Moonlit midnight,
Your hands
With loving, lingering
Feather touch tenderly traced
Tingling paths on succulent beaches ...
Skin warm against velvet skin
My lips soft against you
In the crackling gentle glow
Of campfire-light by the river,
Our love being as pure as a drop
Of mountain water on a leaf.
I'll always remember that
Golden September ...

(C) 1998 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.

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Snaps From a Childhood]

© 1997 - 2002 Rosemary J. Gwaltney All rights reserved.