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Something About October
Sweet Phantom
Before the Mist Closed In
Tears In the Pool
My Very Own Little Boy Bleu
for my loves
Starkest Glare Of Dawn

Something About October

Something about October
springs up a tear for you;
the sky brings back your eyes for me,
that intensity of blue.

Something about the autumn
touches my heart with grief;
the chilling air and brilliant crisp
of every dying leaf.

Something about departures
when winter’s coming on,
remind me that I still am here,
and you, my dearest - gone.

(C) 2002 Rosemary J. Gwaltney

Sweet Phantom

Like a sweet phantom she haunts me still;

Giggling in my dreams; peeping through a crowd
Blue eyes sparkling, high voice calling me aloud.

Like a delicate fairy, her memories soar,
Time preserved tender her pixie lore.

Ever young, this dainty rider of my tears,
Snuggled in my soul through all these years.

Like a sweet phantom she haunts me still;

Perhaps she always will.

(C) 2000 Rosemary J. Gwaltney

Before the Mist Closed In

Dainty ballerina, when you closed your eyes to rest,
did angels call you into dreams to see your Father’s best?
Playful winds around you must have held your little hand,
and led you down a moon-kissed path to-ward the promised land.

Tenderhearted sweetheart, when God beckoned from the sky,
did His deep love encompass you just ‘fore you learned to fly?
Wind-chime-laughing daughter, did you feel yourself arise -
when God our Heav’nly Father came to call you to the skies?

Effervescent sparkle in your eyes of piercing blue.
Those kisses of the butterfly, a gift to me, from you.
Sleigh-bell-giggle darling, yes I saw you on the wing -
the sweetest pressure of your arms, were wrapped around our King.

My precious loving daughter, skipping toward your heav’nly crown -
did your bright eyes peek back at me just ‘fore the mist came down?

(C) 2002 Rosemary J. Gwaltney

Tears In the Pool

crimson root of anguish,
intransigent plant still flaunting
itself through my heart, twisting,
digging deep into crevasses of
emotions that I cannot

It’s pure raw
pain to be around little
girls; with mine lost to me,
and they’re everywhere;
they’re everywhere.

~ ~ ~

I saw her last night in the smile of
another child, the sparkle in her eyes, the quick and
eager graceful fluid movements of her lithe little body, the

music of her giggles. I’ve felt my soul crumble in church, at
supermarkets, and driving past school playgrounds ... I saw
her once in a swimming pool, her dark hair and sunny
eyes squinting wet at me above the surface, the
rest of her submerged; I knew it wasn’t
Sheena, but there she was, come
back to me just long
enough to

my heart


(C) 2000 Rosemary J. Gwaltney

My Very Own Little Boy Bleu

I’ll see your smiles as long as I live,
as I’ll always remember you;
the bliss that Christmas was able to give
my very own little boy bleu.

When you saw the brilliant tree lights lit,
your sparkling dark brown eyes
just didn’t know what to make of it,
and widened in pure surprise!

The outdoors had come inside for you -
you’d sniff it in keen delight!
This infant tree all fresh and new -
you enjoyed it day and night!

You couldn’t reach out with your little hands,
for so weak and frail you were;
but you explored enchanted lands
when your cheeks stroked the tree of fir!

So I’d push your chair ‘till you leaned right in,
chestnut curls on tinsel bright,
you’d laugh at the brush of it on your skin,
and giggle to see its light.

You’d try to lick a shining globe
that from a near branch hung;
trying with all the patience of Job
to touch one with your tongue.

Your favorite month, your favorite toy,
that Christmas tree each December;
I’ll never forget your purest joy;
Our five tender years, remember.

Sweet beautiful son, ever lingering on,
in my heart where you live so true;
oh, how I miss you, now that you’re gone,
my very own little boy bleu.

(C) 2000 Rosemary J. Gwaltney

for my loves

the salty fresh scent
of my own rain lies bitter upon my
tongue like a soft breeze your warm wind
blew through my daz your eyes teased my
face as I smiled back at them skipping

about my spirit like the caress
of a soothing whisper my
weary being came
to life again
akin to
clouds my
soul sailed through
our autumn skies smiling
back at you coating your spirit
too lifting a past from a cold soul &
then sending love back again you are
a special love you see & one day we
shall both be free yet my candle
dims it is dawn now & the
morrow wakes

Memories for Sarah & Sheena
4:20 am

Dale Wayne Gwaltney

Copyright © 2000 Faith Island
(All Rights Reserved)

Starkest Glare Of Dawn

Oh baby beautiful and fine!
Your tiny soul crept into mine;
with joy into my heart you sprang.
We lived and loved; we laughed and sang.

Your luminous eyes and brilliant smile
for me made all of life worth while.
~ ~ ~
But shadows drawn about us came,
as death closed round and called your name.
I held you close so long, so tight;
unwilling for your upward flight.
~ ~ ~
Your anguish taught me to perceive
I must endure, and you must leave.
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Oh long has faded dim your glow
my incandescent child, I know.
Now, fly away my precious one;
your mission here on earth is done.

You’ve struggled now for much too long.
To hold you back would be so wrong.
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
His half closed eyes saw me no more
as he slid closer to the door.
And ever slower came his breath,
until emerged his quiet death.
~ ~ ~
In starkest glare of early dawn

my little boy

was gone.

(C) 2000 Rosemary J. Gwaltney

You are listening to the extraordinary talent of an eleven year old girl,
Yuko Ohigashi; piano virtuoso, and composer, from Japan,
playing KokyouNoHaru.
Her amazing web-site and midis can be found at:

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© 1997 - 2002 Rosemary J. Gwaltney
All rights reserved.