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Check out if your favorite Soap is on Israel's TV channels!

The site will be taken down on April 10th, 1999. I am taking it down permanently.
Thank you, to everyone, who stopped by and enjoyed the site. I ceretainly hope you did. Thank you and so long...

  WELCOME! To the ASIP. Here you'll get all the info. you need on the American Soaps that are airing or have aired in Israel, and lots, lots more! Have fun and thanks for visiting.
The Major Happenings

  • Port Charles returns!
  • OLtL cancelled in Israel!
  • Days takes over OLtL's time-slot.
  • 90210 returns with 9th season.
  • Please Vote for my site as Best Site on "Angelfire".
  • The GuestBook is Here! Please sign it.



    BB logo Italia 1997
    Everyone leaves for Italy,
    as the 1997 'season'
    nears its end.
    PC logo Port Charles Returns!!!
    Port Charles resumes
    its airing on "Channel 2"!
    YR logo 4th of July
    4th of July parties
    were held and
    we were introduced
    to Sharon, Matt and Amy.
    DAYS logo New Hour for Days
    Days moves to a new
    time-slot of 16:45
    OLtL logo Off the Air!
    OLtL finishes its Israeli
    airing on January 10th.


    PrimeTime Soaps

    Melrose Place Beverly Hills, 90210
    Dallas Falcon Crest


    b&b y&r oltl dool pc


    Helpful Features

    PrimeTime Oldies
    Soaps' Progression List
    Soaps' Names in Hebrew


    Other Sections

    Israeli Soaps

    (independent site)


    Soap Question of the Week
    Soap Question of the Week!

    Each week I'll present you
    with a Soapy question.

    Last Week: Dallas: Who was J.R.'s first secretary that betrayed him by giving secret files to Cliff Barnes? (First two seasons)
    Answer: Julie Grey.

    Special Commemoration Sections

    Sunset Beach in Israel Dedication Page
    Sunset Beach
    Dedication Page
    Dalls Memorial Page
    Memorial Page
    Santa Barbara Tribute Page
    Santa Barbara
    Tribute Page

    Page content and design, including all text and graphics Copyright
    © ASIP, All Rights Reserved.
    You are visitor number:
    LE FastCounter
    since September 1997.
    (refers to all
    versions of the site).
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    Best Site on "Angelfire".

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