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Pregnancy and Infant Loss Book Resources

Listed Are Books I Found Comforting...
  • I'll Hold You In Heaven
  • Empty Arms
  • The Worst Loss
  • Roses in December
  • The Bible
  • Healing A Father's Grief
  • A Grandparent's Sorrow
  • Mommy, Please Don't Cry

I'll Hold You In Heaven-By:Jack Hayford. This book is from a Christian's point of view. It gives you comfort in knowing that your baby's spirit is in heaven with God and you will one day be reunited.

Empty Arms-By:Sherokee Ilse. This book is unique and encouraging. It reaches out to all who have been touched by infant death or miscarriage. She offers suggestions and support for decision-making at the time of loss and for the future. Ilse herself is a bereaved parent. She has suffered a miscarriage, stillbirth, and an ectopic pregnancy. She is also the National Consultant and Trainer on pregnancy loss and the founder of the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Center.

The Worst Loss-By:Barbara Rosof,M.S. She uses families' own stories and research on grief to help deal with the many feelings and questions associated with the loss of a child.

Roses in December-By:Marilyn Willett Heavilin. She is a bereaved parent that shares her story of her multiple losses. She will give you comfort, support, hope, and encouragement.

The Bible-For those who believe in God His words will bring comfort to your mind, body, and soul.

Healing A Father's Grief-By:Bill Schatz. He shares his feelings and how fathers handle grief. Men and women grieve so differently and many times the father's grief is "forgotton or overlooked." I bought this booklet for my husband.

A Grandparent's Sorrow-By:Pat Schwiebert. She is the Director of Perinatal Loss in Portland, Oregon. This booklet offers comfort and support to the grandparents after experiencing the loss of their grandchild and having to watch their child go through this horrible experience. I personally bought this booklet for my parents and in-laws. It is not offered in bookstores. You can purchase this booklet at:2116 N.E. 18th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97212 (503)284-7426

Mommy, Please Don't Cry-By:Linda DeYmaz. Although the title reads Mommy, Don't Cry...the tears will pour as you read this beautiful book. It is written as though your child is speaking to you about how wonderful and safe Heaven is...and how your baby is waiting for you there. This book was written from the heart of a bereaved mother in memory of her daughter, Ali Grace.

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