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Our Family Pictures


This is us-Troy & Kim with Kaitlyn (7days old)


This is Ryan at 14 weeks gestation

It's a boy! Ryan Taylor

This is Ryan at 15 weeks gestation


This is Kaitlyn the day she was born

This is Kaitlyn 4 days old

This is Kaitlyn 7 days old


These are our dogs (our non-human "kids")

This is not staged! Our dogs OWN the house (or they think they do!)
Bailey=beagle Payton=siberian husky Riley=rottweiler
To see more pictures of our doggies

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Angel Babies; Our Story
Support Groups
Book Resources
Where Angel Babies Play! (add yours!)
Kaitlyn's Memorial
Ryan's Page/Miscarriage Info
Special Things Said 1
Special Things Said 2
Free stuff on the net!
Incompetent Cervix Info Page
Memories of an Angel...
Is There A Child Waiting For Us To LOVE?
Kisses From Heaven!
Banner Exchange
Cemetary Caution!!
Awards Page 1
Awards Page 2

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Email: Kim and Troy

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