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~ December 1997 ~

[ row of multicolor flowers ]

Monday, December 1
I woke up depressed and angry.

Tuesday, December 2
I woke up angry and depressed.

Wednesday, December 3
I feel mad at the world.

Thursday, December 4
My mind is all mixed up.

Friday, December 5
I'm mad and mixed up.

Saturday, December 6
I chatted in the BI (Brain Injury) room.
I dumped a lot of grief on someone. I feel better.

Sunday, December 7
I started making a web page. This is fun.

Monday, December 8
I couldn't wait to get up today and start working on my web page.

Tuesday, December 9
I learned to make a second page on the web page. I feel like smiling.

Wednesday, December 10
I woke up with a stomach ache.
I think I stayed up too late working on my web page.

Thursday, December 11
I woke up feeling OK. I slept all night.
I'm anxious to get to work on the new pages for my web page. Nothing feels funny. I could have the Three Stoodges, Jerry Lewis and Jerry Seinfeld sitting beside me now, and I wouldn't crack a smile.
How am I going to edit my joke page feeling like this?

Friday, December 12

Saturday, December 13

Sunday, December 14
A dark cloud of depression blinds me.

Monday, December 15
The sadness eases today.
I woke up sick. It's no surprise. When the darkness grips me, I have no resources to fight illness. I sleep and sleep and wake up refreshed. A little blue sky peeks through the dark clouds.

Tuesday, December 16
Scared to do things I used to do with ease.
Make a bank deposit. Pay a bill. The fear incapacitates me.

Wednesday, December 17
I don't remember how to do the web page.

Thursday, December 18
I met a piano teacher.
I was nervous. I forgot to ask for a lesson.

Friday, December 19
My cold is better today.
I went to the store. The clerk said, "Can I help you, sir?" I look like a man. I feel like I'm in the way. I don't know why my husband stays with me.
I look like a man.

Saturday, December 20

Sunday, December 21

Monday, December 22
I still feel withdrawn.
I'd like to curl into a ball and sleep, but my family won't let me. I forced myself to work on my web page. I feel a little better.

Tuesday, December 23
I was scheduled to spend time with friends. I planned for it all day. Then I stayed home at the last minute.

Wednesday, December 24
I spent a quiet evening with my family.

Thursday, December 25
Today is Christmas. I'm glad it's over for another year.

Friday, December 26
I met some new people in the chat room. I feel cheered up some.
Chatting takes my mind off myself.

Saturday, December 27
I worked around the house today. I went shopping with my son.
I feel better today than I have in a long time.

Sunday, December 28
My cold came back. I spend most of the day in bed.

Monday, December 29
I feel sicker than a dog.
My nose is running. I'm sneezing. My stomach's upset. I feel miserable.

Tuesday, December 30
I decide to go to the doctor.
I make an appointment on the telephone. I get mixed up.
I don't like talking on the phone.

Wednesday, December 31
While everyone is celebrating,
I'm sitting for hours in a doctors office. I love going to the doctor ---NOT--!

. . . to be continued in the

1998 Diary

January  ~  February ~  March ~  April ~  May ~  June  ~

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