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~ June Diary ~

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Monday, June 1
My positive mood increases.  My body tires quickly.

Tuesday, June 2
My medication combination works effectively, except for my pain meds.

Wednesday, June 3
I chat at the Brain Injury Room.

Thursday, June 4
I sleep and sleep some more.  After 12 hours of sleep, I get out of bed.

Friday, June 5
I visit my parents.

Saturday, June 6
Someone left a message in my guest book.

Sunday, June 7
I feel cheerful in spite of the pain.

Monday, June 8
My niece favors me with her company and we spend the day walking.

Tuesday, June 9
I need rest today.

Wednesday, June 10
I spend the evening at my nephews.  His wife cooks a delicious dinner.

Thursday, June 11

Friday, June 12
I feel too confused to work on my webpage.

Saturday, June 13
My father drives me to visit my brother.

Sunday, June 14
Sunday company comes and goes all day.  I relax and visit.

Monday, June 15
The pain meds work less effectively than a peddler's nostrum.

Tuesday, June 16
I sleep many hours.  I awake in a pleasant mood.

Wednesday, June 17
I plan to spend the afternoon with my mother.  The heat chases me indoors.

Thursday, June 18
I try to let go of expecting too much of myself.
I feel free when I succeed.

Friday, June 19
My mother and I shop for comfortable clothes
because I spend most of my time at home.

Saturday, June 20
I attend a wedding with my mother.  I do not know the people. 

Sunday, June 21
I fall hopelessly behind on my web page.

Monday, June 22
A thunderstorm hits.  Tornadoes are sighted along the interstate.

Tuesday, June 23
I intend to do house-cleaning today.  I stay in bed.

Wednesday, June 24
My father takes the family out for dinner.
My nephew throws a tantrum and we take him home.

Thursday, June 25
I procrastinate doing my laundry.  I spend the evening with friends.

Friday, June 26
The idea of packing overwhelms me.  In four days, I travel to visit my son.

Saturday, June 27
I must start washing clothes and get a suitcase.
Relatives stop for a visit.  I watch the minutes tick by.

Sunday, June 28
My brother visits me before my trip.  After he leaves, I bawl into my pillow.

Monday, June 29
My anxiety builds.  I leave tomorrow.
After midnight, I am ready.

Tuesday, June 30
I made it!

. . . . . to be continued

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Thanks!  MGH  and Angelfire for the graphics.