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~ July Diary ~

[ flowers ]

Wednesday, July 1
I spend the day recuperating from traveling.

Thursday, July 2
I shop.  I drop.

Friday, July 3
My husband joins me on vacation.

Saturday, July 4
The family gathers today.  My son stops by for five minutes.

Sunday, July 5
I am disappointed I do not see my son today.

Monday, July 6
I leave for home.

Tuesday, July 7
I have a message from someone in my guest book .

Wednesday, July 8
The clamor of the weekend leaves me exhausted.
I appreciate the solitude of my home.

Thursday, July 9
I procrastinate unpacking the suitcase.

Friday, July 10
I visit the doctor.  He prescribes new medications.

Saturday, July 11
The medication affects me.  I cannot sleep.

Sunday, July 12
Another sleepless night.

Monday, July 13
Bad news from my mother unsettles me.

Tuesday, July 14
I surprise myself.  In spite of sleeplessness, I feel positive.

Wednesday, July 15
I try to shake off the bad feelings.  I decide to tell the doctor.

Thursday, July 16
The doctor assuages my fears.  I return to my previous medication.

Friday, July 17
I tire easily.  I must stop often to rest.

Saturday, July 18
I reschedule my piano lesson.
I try chatting at the Brain Injury Room.
I lack alertness.  I sink into depression.

Sunday, June 19
I intend to work in the yard.  I barely manage to check e-mail.

Monday, July 20
I water a few plants.  It rains.
I look for a new Thought for the Day for my webpage.

Tuesday, July 21
My son takes me out for the evening.  I feel refreshed.

Wednesday, July 22
I drag myself out of bed.  I lack energy.
I work on my webpage. I look for a new Featured Link of the Week .

Thursday, July 23
I try to update my diary.  I give up in frustration.

Friday, July 24
I have the piano lesson.

Saturday, July 25
I walk outside.  It rains.

Sunday, June 26
My thighs ache from walking yesterday.

Monday, July 27
I finish unpacking the suitcase.

Tuesday, July 28
My mood stabilizes.

Wednesday, July 29
I decide to type in my diary.  Waiting worsens the problem.

Thursday, July 30
I fall hopelessly behind on my web page.

Friday, July 31
I sink into a deep depression.

[ multicolor row of flowers ]

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[ multicolor row of flowers ]

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[ multicolor row of flowers ]

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[ multicolor row of flowers ]

Thanks!  MGH  and Angelfire for the graphics.