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*Note: Statement Filed On June 9, 2004


June 8, 2004

Senator Kevin Murray, Chairman
Senate Transportation Committee
State Capitol Bldg
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Mr. Chairman:

On behalf of Save Our State, I, Andrew M. Ramirez, Executive Director of Save Our State, am filing opposition to Senator Gil Cedillo’s SB-1160 with the Senate Transportation Hearing. I shall be representing S-O-S at the SEN TRANS COMM hearing next Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 1:30pm. S-O-S has led the fight against SB-1160 and continues to be the lead voice of opposition.

Save Our State opposes SB-1160 on matters of principle, as SB-1160 will encourage the continued violation of federal immigration law, and on matters of practicality, because it will facilitate additional crimes. For these reasons, as well as the threat to national security, previous versions of this bill were vetoed by Governor Gray Davis on Sept. 30, 2002.

In 2002, AB-60 (Cedillo) and SB-804 (Polanco) were passed by the Legislature, but they did not weaken security requirements to the extent that SB-1160 now does. Californians should remember, as most other Americans do, that the terrorists involved in the 9-11 attack held a variety of driver’s licenses. That fact was mentioned in the governor’s veto message to the Legislature on 9-30-2002.

A driver’s license is the primary form of identification for American Citizens and is an internal passport. Terrorists can and will use a California driver’s license to gain other identification documents. This will assist them to commit future attacks against Americans.

SB-1160 hinders the ability of law enforcement by prohibiting the Department of Justice, or the DMV from reporting immigration law violations to the appropriate federal authority with the exceptions being the purchase of a firearm, dangerous weapon, or explosive. SB-1160 also removes current legal requirements that holders of a California driver's license must be a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien. SB-1160 allows illegal aliens to submit a Matricula Consular card from Mexico or other documents from foreign governments.

Counterfeit Matricula Consular cards are easily obtainable in California and the Department of Motor Vehicles does not have the authority to demand verification of any Matricular Consular cards, legitimate or counterfeit, from the Mexican government. Further, the Mexican government has declared that it will not reveal personal information about the immigration status of its nationals in the United States to U.S. authorities.

SB 1160 will allow applicants for drivers license to submit ID documents issued by nations that will not verify the authenticity of those documents. Such documents are therefore, meaningless for any purpose of identification. An even greater problem for Californians is that any person possessing a Matricula Consular card, whether legitimate or counterfeit, can establish a new identity in this state by obtaining a valid California driver’s license. Such persons are free to create multiple identities and will then discover the ease with which they can commit identity theft, voter fraud, and other crimes.

SB-1160 provides a provision for the fingerprinting of applicants, but the provision is useless. As previously stated, the Mexican government has declared its refusal to share any data or information regarding illegal aliens living in the United States. How do we know who the individuals are that may be entering this nation, if using a Matricula Consular card? We don't know and can't possibly know unless we are receiving information from a foreign security service that the US has long shared information with such as England's MI-5 or MI-6, Scotland Yard, or Israel's Mossad. With SB-1160 prohibiting the Department of Justice from sharing information with the Federal Government, the State of California has no way to know who may be attempting to enter the US utilizing a phony identification. Without access to foreign government's databanks, or without having arrested, and detained an individual and collecting their fingerprints personally, we have no way to identify an individual that may be a terrorist. Add to that very fact, the provision in this bill prohibiting the DMV or Department of Justice from reporting any illegal aliens to the appropriate Federal Department, or Agency, and the notion that SB-1160 will require background checks to protect US National Security is therefore, a complete fraud, and lie to the people of California and the United States.

SB-1160 claims to not allow a person to vote, but motor voter will still be in effect. State law cannot supercede Federal Law. It has been well established that there are a number of public figures that do in fact advocate their listeners do register to vote though that person may be an illegal alien. This includes Radio Visa personality, Gerardo de la Manana (or translated, Gerardo in the Morning).

SB-1160 has included a penalty of perjury clause where the applicant states they have applied for legal residency, or will apply for legal residency, though the penalty of perjury is moot as the illegal alien has already broken the law by violating US sovereignty and immigration laws in the first place. Numerous illegal aliens are already in violation of that very law regarding voting, and under that same penalty of perjury.

SB-1160 has provided that an applicant can present an Employer or Tax ID number in lieu of the SSN. As you know, applying for an EIN is rather easy and can be done online.

Entering the US without federal government permission is a violation of law, too. With the fact alone that SB-1160 has been introduced by a Member of the State Legislature, illegal immigration appears to be sponsored by Members of the California State Legislature and Governor of California.

SB-1160 allows for a person to be sponsored by a Citizen of the United States that has a valid CA DL. Would that not be consider aiding and abetting a criminal?

In summary, SB-1160 facilitates voter fraud, identity theft, and other crimes and the continued violation of US Immigration Laws. SB-1160 does not even meet Governor Gray Davis requirements of the 2002 versions, under AB-60 by Cedillo and it's companion legislation SB-804 by Polanco, which were both vetoed in September of 1992 by the former Governor as a threat to national security.

SB-1160 cannot be referended, and hinders the ability of law enforcement by removing requirements to report all immigration law violators to the appropriate US Department or Agency. SB-1160 will allow terrorists, using unverifiable foreign documentation, to apply for a California Driver's License. SB-1160 represents a Clear and Present Danger to the National Security of the United States.

On behalf of Save Our State, I respectfully request our opposition to SB-1160 be placed in the public record and reported to the Senate Transportation Committee, and members of the press.

Andrew M. Ramirez, Executive Director
Save Our State

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