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Kerry Opposes Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens; No Comment from Bush Campaign.

"I think that driver's licenses are part of the legality of being here, and if you've been here a period of time we may work something out as part of that immigration process," Presidential Contender John Kerry said in the interview after addressing the National Council of La Raza's annual conference.

"But I wouldn't give somebody who is automatically one year in here illegally all the rights and privileges of being here legally," Kerry said. "I think that's wrong. That defeats the purposes of the law."

"If you've broken the law — and you don't have the situation where you have family and you've paid taxes — and you're in illegal status, you're in illegal status," he said.

Kerry, a former prosecutor, added: "I've always believed the law has to mean something." --LA Times, July 1, 2004

SB-1160 held in suspense by Senate Appropriations Committee until August.

Today the Senate Appropriations Committee moved SB-1160 to the suspense file, which means that the bill will not be voted on by the committee until August. As SB-1160 includes an appropriation of more than $150,000, the bill was placed in the suspense file by the committee. Committee Chairwoman Dede Alpert informed the committee that the author, Sen. Gil Cedillo, was working with the Governor on this bill.

What that means is that Cedillo will now spend the next two months working on a "new" backroom deal with Governor Schwarzenegger to iron out their wrinkles and get SB-1160 through the State Legislature.

S-O-S will continue to lead the fight to defeat SB-1160. The "People's Governor" promised during the recall election that he would not conduct backroom deals and has clearly broken a promise to the voters to open up California's Government. Take action immediately by contacting the Governor and Members of the Legislature and tell them Californians will not stand for driver's licenses for illegal aliens and demand a NO vote against SB-1160. More details and info below.

More SB-1160 NEWS!

You will find information on how to contact the Governor and Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee below, as well as SB-1160 Author Sen. Gil Cedillo and declare your opposition to his bill that would undermine US National Security. In addition SB-1160 was written to benefit those who violate our immigration laws and only represent one group of people from one nation, and clearly does not represent US Citizens or the United States.

Contact the Governor

Call, write, and e-mail Governor Schwarzenegger and tell him that over 70% of Californians oppose SB-1160 and it's phony and fraudulent provisions, which weaken US national security and reward Illegal Aliens, not Legal Immigrants, for breaking the law. Please feel free to use material from Andy Ramirez' testimony to the SEN TRANS COMMITTEE, or the S-O-S letter of opposition written to the SEN TRANS COMM located further down on this page.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633
E-mail the Governor here

Arnold SB-1160 Univision Interview
Click Here: To listen, or read the transcript

Appropriations Committee Members Roster

Call these Senators and tell them to follow the will of US Citizens by voting NO on SB-1160. Remember to be respectful.

Sen Dede Alpert (Chair & DEM)  916-445-3952
Sen Jim Battin (Vice-Chair & REP)  916-445-5581
Sen Samuel Aanestad (REP)  916-445-3353
Sen Roy Ashburn (REP)  916-445-5405
Sen Debra Bowen (DEM)  916-445-5953
Sen John Burton (DEM)  916-445-1412
Sen Martha Escutia (DEM)  916-327-8315
Sen Ross Johnson (REP)  916-445-4961
Sen Betty Karnette (DEM)  916-445-6447
Sen Michael Machado (DEM)  916-445-2407
Sen Kevin Murray (DEM)  916-445-8800
Sen Charles Poochigian (REP)  916-445-9600
Sen Jackie Speier (DEM)  916-445-0503

Contact Sen. Gil Cedillo

Call Senator Gil Cedillo and demand he withdraw SB-1160 from the State Legislature, and that he support the will of US Citizens and the US & State Constitutions he swore to support and defend.

Sen. Gil Cedillo (DEM & Author of SB-1160)
Capitol Tel: 916-445-3456   Fax: 916-327-8817
District Tel: 213-612-9566

SB-1160 Transportation Committee Hearing

Watch the June 15, 2004 SEN committee hearing here

Andy Ramirez Hearing Testimony

To read Andy Ramirez' Official SB-1160 Opposition Testimony before the CA Senate Committee on Transportation: Click Here To Read

SB-1160 Hearing Results:
7 AYE - 4 NO
in Senate Transportation Committee
Click Here for committee vote results

Letter of Opposition re: SB-1160
Filed with Senate Transportation Committee - 6/9-04

To Read The Statement Click Here....


S-O-S is providing this watch list for Members of the State Legislature that MAY vote in favor of SB-1160, the Cedillo-Schwarzenegger driver's license for illegal aliens bill, either in committee or on the floor when a final vote is cast. As this 1160 goes through the Legislature ALL Members will have an opportunity to vote for or against 1160 at some point.

We have provided previous "AYE" or "ABSTAIN" votes for previous lawbreaking reward bills including AB-60 by then Assemblyman Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles), or the companion SB-804 by then-Senator Richard Polanco (D-Los Angeles), and the list of Members being termed out in 2004.

Finally, we have provided Members' Contact Info and request that the public contact their Legislators and demand that they announce their opposition to AND vote against SB-1160 as a violation of US National Security, and reward for illegal aliens breaking the law. Let your Members know there is nothing to think about, Illegal means just that, ILLEGAL!

Members We're Watching

Members of the State Senate:
Bruce McPherson (Voted Aye on AB-60, SB-804, & No on SB-1503 by McClintock

Members of the Assembly:
John Campbell (Abstained on AB-60)
Dave Cox (Abstained on AB-60)
Lynn Daucher (Abstained on AB-60, Aye on SB-804)
Bonnie Garcia
Shirley Horton
Abel Maldonado (Voted Aye on AB-60 & SB-804)

Sen. Jeff Denham has informed Andy Ramirez he will vote NO on SB-1160.
Bill Maze has informed Andy Ramirez he will vote NO on SB-1160.
Tony Strickland (Voted Aye on AB-60 & SB-804), informed Andy Ramirez he will vote NO on SB-1160.

Guy Houston, was on the list but was removed after declaring his vote of NO on KSFO's Morning Show (June 7, 2004)
Bob Pacheco was also on the list but was removed after informing Ron Prince he would not vote for SB-1160 late May, 2004

Termed Out Members

Several termed out Members of the Legislature below that MAY vote AYE, unless a NO vote has been declared.

State Senators being termed out in 2004 are:
Jim Brulte (Will vote No)
Ross Johnson (Will vote No)
Bruce McPherson (Highly Likely AYE vote)
Rico Oller (Will vote No; Author of SB-60 Repeal)
Senate District 17 - Vacant

Assemblymembers termed out in 2004 or leaving the ASM are:
Pat Bates
John Campbell
Dave Cox
Bob Dutton
Ken Maddox
Abel Maldonado
Bob Pacheco
Steven Samuelian
Tony Strickland

Members Contact Info

Members of the Senate
Bruce McPherson, District 15
Capitol: (916) 445-5843   Santa Cruz: (831) 425-0401
Salinas: (831) 443-3402   SLO: (805) 549-3784

Members of the Assembly
John Campbell, District 70
Capitol: (916) 319-2037   District: (949) 863-7070

Dave Cox, District 5
Capitol: (916) 319-2005   District: (916) 349-1995

Lynn Daucher, District 72
Capitol: (916) 319-2072   District: (714) 672-4734

Bonnie Garcia, District 80
Capitol: (916) 319-2080   El Centro: (760) 336-8912
Cathedral City: (760) 321-8522

Shirley Horton, District 78
Capitol: (916) 319-2078   District: (619) 462-7878

Abel Maldonado, District 33
Capitol: (916) 319-2033   District: (805) 549-3881

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