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Andy Ramirez' Viewpoint

Mike Spence passes the buck

by: Andy Ramirez, Executive Director (Feb 12, 2005)

Enough is enough. I am absolutely sick and tired of political opportunists, masquerading as leaders, passing the blame on everyone else. Remember Harry Truman’s “The Buck Stops Here” motto? If you’re Mike Spence, the buck doesn’t stop there.

The latest example of this bovine scatology is Mike Spence, President of the CRA and Proponent of the Save Our License initiative. On Feb. 9 and 10, the Daily Bulletin has published articles in which the fact that the Save Our License campaign has never filed any campaign finance reports beyond their original October 2003 statement of organization was reported.

There are only two reasons a campaign fails to file their campaign reports on time, one is to keep their donations hidden from rivals seeking to hit up their donors. The second is what I suspect to be clearly the case here, to keep records & facts hidden. Over the past few weeks, Spence has been running a misinformation campaign, with KFI’s John and Ken clearly providing the unwitting stage and mic, where he can provide the constant spin.

First, Spence is not giving regular updated numbers of the signatures they’ve collected. Second, his every statement is clearly setting up others for failure to qualify, such as Rescue California’s Darrell Issa, Dave Gilliard, CA Sec of State Kevin Shelley, etc, so he can place the blame on everyone else for the failure of the flawed Save Our License initiative to qualify for the ballot. I’ll get further into that detail shortly. Furthermore, Spence has not appeared on KSFO’s Rodgers and Morgan Show, or KFBK’s Mark Williams’ Nighttalk Live, clearly leaving a “black hole” in Northern California.

According to Williams’, Spence has not requested an appearance on his show, or other Northern California radio programs, and not filed any press releases with them either. However, as Williams’ stated, that’s in direct contrast with Ron Prince’s Save Our State initiative, which failed to qualify for the ballot in April 2004. So Williams’ raised the possibility that Spence’s Save Our License campaign might be a fundraising vehicle. Now I’ve gotten to know Mark Williams very well over the last year and I can say if he suspects something is not what it seems, than it is not what it seems. He’s not a person to say idle words on the air. Williams is a leader and stands by what he says, and when wrong, he admits it, just like I do.

Mark Williams has said it, and now I am. Something stinks to high hell here, and it’s not just the smell of baby diapers.

Mike Spence tried to pass off the campaign reports that were never filed under the excuses of, “I didn’t know, it’s not my responsibility, we have a firm that does it, maybe we filed in Orange County.” To that I say “Bovine Scatology!” How can he not know if they’ve filed or not? Mike Spence is known as a fiscal watchdog and is a longtime West Covina USD board member, member of the GOP’s state and county central committees, and former consultant to the CA Republican Party. Spence knows all the rules of campaign finance. Mike has also forgotten he’s led the charge against CA Secretary of State Kevin Shelley for not telling the truth, the same thing Mike Spence is now doing. Talk about a bloody hypocrite. Clearly Spence is passing the buck.

Spence recently on the John and Ken Show said, ‘if we don’t qualify the initiative, it’s because Kevin Shelley posted the wrong submission date.’ How could they not know the actual date, inaccurate (net) date posting or not, when their own site has some inaccurate info, too. Some of the people associated with the Save Our License initiative were key players with Prop 187, ten years ago. One is a co-proponent with the current SOL initiative, and their previous 2003 referendum campaign. I guarantee that Spence and others are setting up the spin for their failure. Yes, Issa could have bought and paid for the qualification of this initiative, if it was really intended for it to qualify, which I completely doubt. John and Ken have helped the spin, by not questioning it, and letting Spence get the spin out as it’s being orchestrated on his own terms. Recent case was the vague Spence statement about being 100,000 short. That raised a red flag with me, 100,000 short of what the 600,000 needed to qualify, or 700,000? 800,000? Which is it Spence? If it's under 600,000 then the ballgame is up and this was a fundraising vehicle just as KFBK's Mark Williams speculated.

After John and Ken's experience with David Dreier and Darrell Issa during political human sacrifice, I am stunned they can’t smell this (to quote John Kobylt) "gas" again. They’ve even given Spence several live remote broadcasts and helped Spence raise thousands of dollars at these live events.

Let me add that the Save Our License campaign refused a request by the Daily Bulletin newspaper to review their campaign records. If there’s nothing to hide, why refuse the request. It’s the same reason their reports dating back to 2003 have never been filed. There is clearly something to hide.

Let’s just consider this for a moment. I’ve never known a treasurer to have more say so than the Pres/Chairman in a membership organization. If Spence is not aware, as he claims, then who is actually in charge? Wait! Stop the presses! Maybe the Save Our License operation is a front, or scam. The question is, for whom? George W? Arnold? Issa? The Dems? Mike clearly is not taking responsibility here, shifting blame, and answering to someone else. Someone has to be calling the shots, so who is it?

However, here’s an interesting factor that’s come to mind…. the Democrats, and Latino Legislative Caucus have hardly spoken any words against the Save Our License initiative. The complaining has been nonstop until this Save Our License group got together. I’ve met CA Dem Party Political Director Bob Mulholland and seen his handiwork firsthand (refer to the Boxer vs. Herschensohn campaign in 1992). I personally know CDP Chairman Art Torres, and have also seen Gil Cedillo’s work firsthand, too. You want to know what’s going on here? I’ll tell you.

Of course the Democrats are silent. They know Spence’s initiative is a flawed, poison pill initiative. This is a direct attempt to sabotage the issue. Since Prop 187 was passed in 1994, the Dems have never been silent, and looked to expose and denounce any racial tone, flaw, or wrongdoing. Yet, they’ve been silent on all Save Our License activities going back to 2003. The Dems and Reps are in this together. It goes hand in hand with the Bush policies, which the Latino Leg Caucus loves. Every political insider knows they all have their hands in each other’s pockets.

Schwarzenegger does not want this current 2005 initiative on the ballot, where actual voting numbers would be public, or else the 2003 referendum would have been allowed to be on the ballot. The Dems never wanted to repeal SB 60, but they supported the repeal, which allowed Arnold to order the CRA not to submit the referendum petitions. I still wonder how they have filed no campaign finance report when they collected 600,000 signatures. Arnold, GOP Legislators, and the State Party have not financially supported this current SOL initiative. The CRA’s own members don’t know this, nor do they know about any of the finance issues. How could they? They’re hardworking volunteers, and regular Joes, unlike Spence and the key players.

This raises the big question, why didn’t Spence and the CRA file the SOL reports when their IEC committee filed all their reports, as well committees of individual officeholders that are involved here. How could the 2003 and subsequent reports not be filed? Simple, they’re hiding something that must expose the referendum as a scam or fraud. This means Mark Williams’ speculation was correct in that the current initiative is a fundraising vehicle. This means John and Ken are being used and scammed, too.

Yet, since the money is being hidden, it's only a matter of time before the State of California and the various agencies that will become involved tell SOL to "Show Me The Money!"

Note: "Show me the money" borrowed with apologies to the movie, Jerry Maguire.... Stay tuned, I'm certain there's a lot more to this story.


Andy Ramirez Viewpoint

First of all, while Friends of the Border Patrol supports several provisions of the Bonner Plan, Cali Act, and Chairman Sensenbrenner’s bill, FBP also wants it ensured that these bills do all that was originally intended in HR 10 from the 2004 session in dealing with terrorists and illegal aliens and those things that are necessary to provide the proper level of national security to the citizens of the United States. It is imperative that the proper appropriation be provided in each bill by the Congress. However the American people must force the Bush Administration to support each bill on its own, without trying to strong arm the Congress with the threat of a veto to amend their amnesty program into any of these bills.

Regarding the Sensenbrenner bill, states must be prohibited from issuing driver’s licenses, or state ID cards to any illegal alien, and non-permanent resident (holders of valid visas and passports). The matricula consular ID card must be banned by the Congress as an acceptable document anywhere within the US. The asylum reforms from the 9-11 bill must be in the subsequent 2005 bill version.

Data from the Dreier Press Release- The Bonner Plan will require the Social Security Administration (SSA) to issue Social Security Cards that contain a photo of the cardholder on the card, as well as an encrypted electronic identification strip, unique to that individual. The new technology will allow employers to access a new Employment Eligibility database created by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for information relating to the applicant's true identity and legal status.

Additionally, the Bonner Plan includes a $50,000 penalty for employers that knowingly hire illegal immigrants who do not pass the scrutiny of the Employment Eligibility database. It also makes the hiring of a known illegal worker a federal offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison per count. (Dreier Press Release)

This portion of the Bonner Plan does not go far enough if the 50k penalty is not per illegal alien hired by the individual or company. However, there is a glaring loophole located in this provision. Employer sanctions have been a total scam on the American people. The law must be changed and the loophole closed by requiring that the employer verify the worker's documents. Anything less is pure window dressing and unacceptable.

The additional teeth of charging an employer with a felony subject to imprisonment is a good start, but unenforceable without closing the loopholes, and providing sufficient appropriations to do the job. The Social Security Administration attempted to investigate those companies whose employees SS#s did not match in their database were unable to pursue beyond I believe 1000 or so as they were not given the needed financial appropriations to do so. FBP as a result wants to make sure that the SSA will have the necessary appropriations from the Congress, supported by the Bush Administration to do their job and prosecute those employers who have broken federal law.

Chairman Dreier’s bill must require that all states comply with the Bonner Plan when it becomes law, by prohibiting states from not informing the appropriate Federal Agency as was attempted last year in California by Senator Gil Cedillo’s SB-60, which if signed into law would have prohibited any state agency, such as State Dept of Justice and the DMV from contacting the Federal Government with any document problems relating to illegal aliens.

No illegal alien should be eligible for the new social security card proposed in the bill by Chairman Dreier and that needs to be stipulated accordingly in the bill. Foreign guest workers such as professional athletes are provided with the appropriate employment permit while in the employ of their professional sports team and that should be the same for all other non-resident immigrants. No person illegally in the US should be eligible for a Social Security Card/Number unless they are legally documented residents.

In summary, FBP cannot endorse these bills/acts until the Congress appropriates the funding for these acts to work, and until those provisions discussed above have also been inserted in. FBP feels that these bills must be combined into one omnibus act, that the US Court of Appeals (9th District) must be removed in matters involving Southern California and Arizona, and with such provisions the provisions I discussed not included in the bills at present, these bills are the dental equivalent of front teeth for appearance, but no cuspids, bicuspids, or mollars. They look pretty, but are ineffective without the remaining teeth.

Andy Ramirez Viewpoint

President George W. Bush was a key opponent to combat terrorism, and illegal immigration being made by Congressmen through HR 10. Accordingly, Friends of the Border Patrol denounces the 9-11 compromise bill that the Congressional Conference Committee forwarded to the House and Senate, which subsequently passed the final version of that bill.

On December 6, 2004, President Bush sent a letter to the Congressional Conference Committee regarding the 9-11 bill. The two key paragraphs are from the opening paragraph of the letter, and a subsequent paragraph in the letter that addressed the key provisions that House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner fought vehemently to maintain in the final version.

President Bush stated, “My most solemn duty is protecting the American people, and reforming and strengthening our Nation’s intelligence capabilities will help ensure the safety of our country. I call on Congress to pass an intelligence reform bill this week.”

However, Bush contradicted himself by making an empty promise that is being attached to his amnesty program in stating, “I also believe the Conference took an important step in strengthening our immigration laws by, among other items, increasing the number of border patrol agents and detention beds. There were other measures proposed that were not incorporated into the bill. My positions on these provisions were detailed in a letter from the Office of Management and Budget to Conferees on October 17, 2004. However, these omissions from the final bill should not prevent the Congress from passing this historic legislation now. I look forward to working with the Congress early in the next session to address these other issues, including improving our asylum laws and standards for issuing driver’s licenses.”

Congressman Sensenbrenner was told his driver’s license bill would have White House support. However, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) was given that same promise regarding his bill, which addressed medical benefits that are received by illegal aliens. The promise to Rohrabacher remains unfulfilled. Congressman John Culberson (R-Texas) who has as a constituent, former President George H.W. Bush, waged a floor fight to eliminate the Matricula Consular identification card as a form of identification. The Culberson amendment was vehemently opposed by the Bush Administration, though in fact, Culberson provided critical evidence through testimony from the FBI and Department of Justice that terrorists from Al-Qaeda had accessed that very ID card in Mexico.

Politicians can claim increase the number of ICE and USBP agents, and detention center beds all they want. However, on December 10,2004, DHS Undersecretary Asa Hutchinson informed a forum hosted in Washington by the Council on Foreign Relations that there was no funding inserted into the 9-11 bill for those new agents and beds. When one considers the other empty promises I’ve mentioned, there is no way to know that the funding will ever be provided. Until I see otherwise, it’s just more empty words, and broken promises from the Bush Administration.

Until the administration stops obstructing justice, and allows USBP Agents to perform their jobs without interference, terrorists and illegal aliens will continue to cross our borders at will. The administration and the Department of Homeland Security have long played the shell game with money and agents alike. When agents are doing their job, special interest organizations indirectly led by Joe Baca, Member of Congress (Mexico’s rep in all honesty) storms into the White House or DHS offices demanding that successful sweeps, or apprehensions be stopped. However, note that the USBP sweeps have been very popular among US Citizens.

For President Bush to state that it is his solemn duty to protect the American people, while concurrently doing all in his power to weaken US border security, and making it easier for terrorists to enter the US are purely empty words to mollify the public.

Ultimately, the 9-11 bill is a sham, just as the December 6th letter to Congress was a sham. Rather than being a great bill that would have actually closed holes and not just paid lip service to national security, the holes were left exactly where they’ve been all along. Remember, that the 9-11 terrorists had obtained 63 different state issued driver’s licenses. The Bush Administration is not committed to protecting the interests of US citizens, for it represents the interests of a few that financially profit, as well as foreign governments including Mexico.

Intel and justice department resources provided info to the Bush Administration prior to the 9-11 attack that went unheeded, or was altogether ignored. Clearly, the Bush Administration has not learned from the recent past. Never forget that the 9-11 attack happened on their watch. When the next attack comes, the blood of those Americans who shall lose their lives shall be on the hands of the Bush Administration and those Members of Congress who voted in support of a watered-down, toothless, empty 9-11 compromise bill, after making empty promises at the expense of our lives and security.

Andy Ramirez Viewpoint

This statement is in response to two articles published by the Riverside Press-Enterprise on Dec. 2 and 9, 2004 entitled, Complaint leads to arrest, and Mexican citizen faces charges.

On December 1, 2004, Edder Giovanni Nieves-Vera was arrested by Murrieta Police in response to a complaint from parents of a high school aged minor. They reported that Nieves-Vera had harassed their daughter for three consecutive days, while she was walking to school. Nieves-Vera informed the police he had entered the country from Mexico illegally and possessed counterfeit resident-alien and Social Security cards.

There’s no denying the Murrieta Police’s fast response to the complaint by the minor’s parents. However, Nieves-Vera is out on $25,000 bail, and in a position to harass another child, or flee the US. He should never have been in a position to harass another child, considering the charges, when there was a way to keep him in custody today.

Murrieta Police should have contacted the US Border Patrol, or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and had an I-247 immigration hold placed on Nieves-Vera. They had established immigration status, and the felony and misdemeanor charges were in place, as well as his flight risk potential. Local police and Sheriff Deputies, contact both agencies for translation requests and other situations, so why didn’t this happen here? Clearly with the immigration status known and the DA’s knowledge that the bail amount was not sufficient to keep Nieves-Vera in custody, someone should have made the call while he was in custody and had the I-247 immigration hold placed on him.

Parents should be angry that Nieves-Vera is out on bail, and letting that be known to both the city, and county. There is no rhyme, reason, or excuse for it. Between the Murrieta PD, and Riverside District Attorney’s Office, he should be in custody today as that additional safeguard was available.

When government officials get bamboozled by illegal alien supporters with threats of boycotts, and lawsuits, this is the result. The law must be enforced, especially where minors are involved for their health, and safety are our responsibility. If an unfortunate child is harassed, or harmed, while Nieves-Vera is out on bail, the blood and liability will clearly be on the hands of the Murrieta Police Department, and Riverside District Attorney’s Office who needed to make but one phone call.

Note: To read the articles visit the Top News Page

Andy Ramirez' Viewpoint

As you know, we are fighting a "War on Terror." However, in my extensive recent travels across America, I cannot believe how our security is so lacking at or near what could be considered terrorist targets. This includes bridges, seaports, airports, public gathering places, schools, hospitals, key roads, and US Military Bases. It is appalling to see the clear targets available for terrorists to choose from. Let's say there's a timed attack in which a number of targets across the US are hit. We are not prepared, and can suffer high casualties, as well as symbolic losses. I'm not going to specifically site target examples that I realized would make a symbolic impact, as it would be completely irresponsible. However, I will say, that list above makes it abundantly clear what could easily be hit. I'll also avoid providing an example of what I see as a way of attack. It too would be irresponsible, and why give a terrorist an idea that may not have been considered. Clearly the Bush Administration must be aware of this, as well as the Department of Homeland Security, Pentagon, National Security Advisor, etc., otherwise, they would not be making the claim that the US is secure. Right? WRONG! The Bush Administration has lied to the Citizens of the United States. We are not secure from attack, and are as vulnerable right now, if not more so, than we were on either December 7, 1941, or 9-11.

You look at all the key Bush Administration officials who have resigned since the election. Key resignations were received from Secretary of State Colin Powell, Attorney General John Ashcroft, Commerce Secretary Don Evans, and DHS Secretary Tom Ridge. Turnover after an election is a natural process. Usually the reasons listed are health, or an opportunity to cash out by writing a write a book, hitting the lecture circuit, etc. However, those particular officials all resigning within a month is something too glaring to notice. All are in one way or another directly connected to National Security. The only key remaining figures are Transportation Secretary Norman Minetta who is also rumored to be resigning soon, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Rummy is the only key National Security figure remaining for the 2nd Bush Administration. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and new CIA Director Porter Goss will have completed a sweeping putsch within the National Command Structure and Intel community.

Goss has swept through CIA and purged key personnel with his own staffers, while stating that agency personnel need to protect the President. Excuse me, but while the President may be the Commander In-Chief, the CIA Director owes his allegiance to a higher authority, the US Constitution and the people of our nation. DHS has already changed policies and procedures to such an extent and degree that their employees are required to sign a non-disclosure form, which I’ve posted at the Friends Of The Border Patrol website, stipulating that employees of DHS will not discuss non-classified information. Basically, that eliminates DHS, and specifically the US Border Patrol Agents from speaking out against policies set forth by the Bush Regime. Will the new DHS Secretary continue such policies and act the same way Goss has? That shall remain to be seen and answered.

Secrecy now rules America. Not secrecy to hinder terrorists, but to hinder American Citizens who would otherwise be outraged and speak out against policies and positions opposed by a super-majority of citizens. Government of the people, by the people, and for the people, has been eliminated by rule of the few with secrecy against the original intent of our forefathers, "The Framers."

America, we are not just in danger of attack from terrorists, but we are in a position for a tyrannical government to impose new laws and policies, and utilize the "Patriot Act" in ways not done since Manzanar. Our constitutional rights could be violated in the name of a wartime act. Yet, unlike WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, do we really have a known and identified enemy? No. We are not facing professional soldiers of a foreign government; this time it’s terrorists. I’ve come to the conclusion that the term "War on Terror" is nothing more than useless propaganda to justify questionable policies, troop deployments, appropriations, and government contracts that would otherwise be questioned by American Citizens and the Congress.

Though the number one campaign issue was national security, the 2004 campaign was decided by gay marriage. Propaganda Tsars redefined the campaign to something that motivated the Bible belt, away from national security. When one looks at Bush’s actions since November 2nd, the changes clearly indicate our government growing out of control.

We in America do not want an economic trade union with open borders. That is completely unacceptable when one considers the problem faced by our neighbors to the South regarding drugs, gangs, and their 4th world impoverished nations. While the nations themselves may not be as impoverished, the standard of living of their citizens are. Many foreign denominations are increasing at a rapid rate while America’s dollar value is dropping like a rock. Let’s call in the debts of nations that owe America money and see how fast that changes.

Let’s close the borders and stop pandering for Latino votes. Let’s place sanctions on foreign governments and demand economic and social reforms and keep them in place until we see life improve for those nations, and things shall improve. Let the US Border Patrol and US Military patrol our borders, and resume sweeps for those who have illegally entered the US including terrorists. The US Military divisions and units that are overseas in places such as France, Germany, and Korea, can be brought home. The citizens of those nations don’t want us there, so the time has come to bring the troops home so they can protect our homeland. Again, the time has come.

But none of those things will happen until we do one more thing. Stop supporting the Republican Party, their candidates and their incumbents blindly until we see definitive action to confront this problem and secure America. Call and demand that they support bills and policies that will enforce existing immigration laws. We do not need immigration reform, unless those reforms will be as strict as nations who have such strict and enforced laws.

I call on the Citizens of America to hold a peaceful march and demonstration in Washington, D.C., as guaranteed by our United States Constitution to oppose the policies announced by the Bush Administration including Amnesty/Guest Worker, H1-B, US-Visit, etc., and in opposition to the Bush Administration’s open border doctrine. Millions of Americans peacefully marching together in our nation’s capitol will make the message loud and clear, "Secure America’s Borders from Terrorists and Illegal Aliens, and Let Them Enforce The Law!"

There is one more thing I must add otherwise I’d be remiss…. "Don’t blame me, I wrote in Tom Tancredo for President"

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