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Hearing Testimony

Below you will find the official testimony as used by Andy Ramirez, Executive Director, as he represented Save Our State in opposition of SB-1160 before the Senate Committee on Transportation.

Andy Ramirez' Official SB-1160
Opposition Testimony

June 15, 2004, Sacramento, CA

Thank you Mr. Chairman, and Members for allowing me to speak today. My name is Andy Ramirez, and I am the Executive Director for Save Our State. I am here today on behalf of S-O-S in opposition to SB-1160. S-O-S has led the fight against this bill.

Illegal aliens are non-immigrants as defined by Federal Law. California State Code may not legally redefine Federal Law. The terms undocumenteds, undocumented residents, and undocumented immigrants might make for good politics to play these word games, but it will not stand up in court.

The people of California have made it clear that they do not want driver’s licenses for illegal alien, and even the author of this bill has publicly acknowledged that 70% of the people of this state do not want it, and yet you, our Legislators, and especially Senator Cedillo, persist to ram it down our throats. What part of representative government do you not understand?

Governor Davis in his veto message of AB-60 and its companion bill SB-804 sent to the Legislature on Sept. 30, 2002, stated and I quote, “Furthermore, the tragedy of September 11, made it abundantly clear that the driver’s license is more than just a license to drive; it is one of the primary documents we use to identify ourselves. Unfortunately, a driver’s license was in the hands of terrorists who attacked America on that fateful day.” When Governor Davis went back on his word, he was recalled from office. How many more recalls will it take for you all to get the message? What message you ask…. Californians are opposed to driver’s license for illegal aliens.

One of the unintended consequences of this bill will be that lawsuits shall be filed against the State of California over its conflict with immigration law. Another unintended consequence of this bill, since a driver’s license is a de-facto internal passport, the Federal Government in defense of its own National Security, will be forced to create a new national ID card just as they did in Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia. Remember these words so often used in those countries in darker times, words that will be stated in America if this bill passes, “SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS!”

SB-1160 will facilitate new crimes in our local communities by giving criminals new identities. What is the best way to aid and abet a criminal on the run for past crimes? Give him a new identity and you will help him commit new crimes with new victims. How many new victims do we need in California? Illegal immigration is a crime, but you don’t care about that. You can’t help illegal aliens without helping OTHER criminals who commit rape, murder, and robbery. How many more victims will you create as an unintended consequence of this bill? Where is your conscience? This bill has many unintended consequences. Beware of unintended consequences.

The Mexican Government states it will not share information of its nationals in this country. How can any reasonable person expect Mexico to verify information on a Matricula Consular card? A card that is expressly intended for the use of illegal aliens.

SB-1160 hinders the ability of law enforcement by prohibiting the Department of Justice, or the DMV from reporting immigration law violations to the appropriate federal authority with the exceptions being the purchase of a firearm, dangerous weapon, or explosive. How can you say this SB-1160 provides measures for national security when you look at the fact that the state agencies will be prohibited from reporting immigration law violators to the appropriate Federal Agency? This bill does not, and you can’t.

Save Our State is opposed to all illegal immigration. We support legal immigration, but illegal aliens enter the United States from all points of entry: Canada to the North, Mexico to the South, across the Pacific Ocean to our West, and Atlantic Ocean to our East. America has the loosest immigration laws on the planet.

When you first took office, you swore to support and defend the Constitutions of the US and State of California. With passage of this bill, you will be violating your oaths of office you took when you first entered this distinguished body. Remember, State Law cannot supercede Federal Law.

We just witnessed the sad passing this past week of President Reagan who spoke of America as a “Shining City on the Hill.” President Clinton spoke to my Democrat friends of a “land called Hope.” That’s what America is a beacon of hope to the world. However, we need the people of the world to find their Shining City within their own countries. We need to pressure those nations to provide democracy and a better way of life for their people, which will encourage the people of the world to remain with their families in their countries. It is not America’s responsibility to provide for the world when our State Legislatures face bankruptcies across America, including here in California. America needs to provide for Americans.

In Summary….

SB-1160 by accommodating illegal immigration will encourage more illegal immigration from more countries by creating a safe haven for them. It will also create a safe-haven for other criminals from other states, who will be able to start fresh with a new identity in California.

The new CA driver’s license created by SB-1160 will not be verifiable; the Matricula Consular card is not verifiable. Therefore, the Federal Government will be forced to create a new national identity card of it’s own. These will be just some of the unintended consequences of SB-1160. There will be others.

The people of CA understand this, which is why they stand opposed to driver’s licenses for illegal aliens PERIOD. The people of CA reject this bill. We call upon the Members of the Legislature to vote NO, and the author to withdraw this measure. There is nothing to think about, or consider. You owe your loyalty to your employers, the people of California, and to the United States of America. VOTE NO on SB-1160!

Respectfully submitted by,
Andrew M. ‘Andy’ Ramirez, Executive Director
Save Our State/

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