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Rally supports Border Patrol agents, programs

By: KELLY BRUSCH - Staff Writer
Published by North County Times/

TEMECULA ---- A rally held in Temecula on Saturday to bolster U.S. Border Patrol agents and champion the agency's enforcement programs attracted several high profile lawmakers and community activists who spoke to a crowd of about 300 supporters.

The event began at 11 a.m. at the Temecula Border Patrol Station under a blazing sun and little shade. Organizers set up a stage for various speakers to address residents who gathered on both sides of the street. Many supporters came with signs bearing phrases such as "Illegal aliens are criminals" and "We love the Border Patrol."

The rally came in response to a protest held in late June at the station over recent sweeps that resulted in the arrest of hundreds of illegal immigrants. Saturday's rally remained peaceful ---- a few Border Patrol supporters said they were surprised that no one came in opposition to their cause.

The rally was hosted by several different groups, including the Murrieta-Temecula Republican Assembly, Save our State, Citizens Alliance for a Secure America and the Temecula Valley Republican Women's Federated, among others.

Several activists, along with candidates stumping for election to various offices, gave speeches that were wildly cheered by the crowd.

Ron Prince, co-author of 1994's Proposition 187, an initiative which would have denied public benefits to illegal immigrants, criticized President Bush for not pushing more strongly for immigration reform. He said the issue is clouded by feelings of empathy for illegal immigrants even though they are violating federal laws.

Andy Ramirez, of the Save our State initiative, called on Congress to pass legislation prohibiting states from passing bills that would allow illegal immigrants to receive driver's licenses. He said states also must be prohibited from accepting an identification card called the Matricula Consular card.

"The FBI and Department of Justice, under oath during a congressional hearing, declared the Matricula card issued by Mexico to be unreliable and a danger ... to national security for its fraudulent usage by terrorists, including by members of al-Qaida that have entered the United States with that very card," Ramirez said.

Wearing a cowboy hat, Walter Moore, a candidate in the Los Angeles mayoral race, said he's running on a platform to deport all illegal immigrants immediately.

"The Border Patrol took action, that's how we get results," he said, referring to the sweeps. "It's not enough to get angry."

Barbara Coe, a member of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, referred to Border Patrol agents as knights because they protect American citizens from higher taxes that go to pay for public services for illegal immigrants, along with protecting the borders. She urged those at the rally to tell their lawmakers to support the Border Patrol and to enforce our laws.

"Each and every day, get out of bed, brush your teeth and make your phone call," she said.

Border Patrol agent and spokesman Sean Isham said it felt good to see so many people supporting them.

"It's very encouraging," he said. "This kind of support is overwhelming."

He said some people complain about their efforts, but a majority of residents support what the agency does. He said he's not offended or upset by rallies that decry sweeps.

"If you're here legally, you have nothing to worry about," he said. "The bottom line is ---- agents are sworn to enforce those immigration laws."

Maryann Kaffer, a member of the Republican women's group, said after the rally that the United States cannot afford to allow illegal immigrants to stay here.

"It's because of illegals that our hospitals and schools are overcrowded, and taxpayers are paying for it," she said.

Contact staff writer Kelly Brusch at (909) 676-4315, Ext. 2626, or

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