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Official Statement by Andy Ramirez
Border Patrol Rally, July 24, 2004

My fellow Americans.... Thank you all for coming today, and braving this heat to support the Border Patrol.

*Following Text Inserted at Rally*
Thank you to Assemblyman Ray Haynes, and Senator Dennis Hollingsworth for taking time out on such notice to personally attend this important rally. The Members of Congress need to be here today, too. It is not enough to send representatives, they need to be here today, too. We found time on such short notice to come today, and they should have, too.

The people are here to support the Border Patrol. However, it is clear that the people and the Border Patrol do not have the support of the Members of Congress who represent this region as evidenced by their non-attendance. What issue could be more important than terrorism, national security, and illegal immigration?

In fact, just last week, the FBI and Dept of Justice under oath during a Congressional Hearing declared the Matricula card issued by Mexico to be unreliable and a danger, criminality-wise and to national security, for it's fraudulent usage by terrorists, including by members of Al-Qaeda that have entered the United States with that very card that was issued by the Government of Mexico.

I call on the Congress to join the American public and pass legislation prohibiting the states from passing bills that give driver's licenses to illegal aliens, and acceptance of the Matricula Consular card. In California for 3 long years the Latino Legislative Caucus led by Gil Cedillo have tried to ram such legislation down our throats, including SB-1160, which we at S-O-S have exposed as a danger to national security and are defeating.

The Congress can enact federal legislation supporting the Culberson bill, and adding the prohibition against driver's licenses for illegal aliens, and passing it within a couple weeks, and placing it on President Bush's desk.

We have a Republican President and Majority in both houses of Congress, and if our local Members cannot pass the Culberson bill, or President Bush vetoes it, and continues to obstruct justice by continuing to let Mexico City dictate US National Security, and hampering the enforcement efforts of the Border Patrol, then we the people shall remember it this November.

*Following Text Inserted at Rally*
As I close we need to all send a message to President Bush, Asa Hutchinson and the Members of Congress and this message is: LET THEM ENFORCE, LET THEM ENFORCE, LET THEM ENFORCE, LET THEM ENFORCE....LET THEM ENFORCE.

Thank you all for your support of the Border Patrol and God Bless America!

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