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Q: What the Hec Ramsey happened to your site? Where'd the old AWOS go?
A: The "old AWOS" didn't go anywhere. It just evolved into the new AWOS. I'd done a lot of thinking, and decided that there seemed to be two different types of sites out there: fan sites and personal sites. The AWOS didn't fit into either catagory, really; it had the trappings of a fan site, but the personality of a personal site. Finally I decided, why does there have to be a difference? Why can't I have a bunch of fan sites linked together as a personal site? Thus was born the Interface.

Q: The interface? What kind of name is that?
A: A good one. :o) Nah, I just thought it sounded real cool.

Q: So, let me get this straight... the AWOS is still the AWOS...?
A: Right. The AWOS is still the AWOS. It's just been moved to a different address. The page at will just direct you right back to the interface.

Q: I'm confused.
A: Don't be. Look, let me see if I can explain it better. See, the old AWOS had evolved so much that it had become three different sites: my personal stuff, MSTie Central, and the movie reviews. Plus, on the side, I was building Serendogz and Shadowvoxer. Therefore, I technically had four fan sites up and running, two of which as part of the AWOS. Soooo, I decided to move the reviews to a new addy and the personal stuff to a new addy. That way, each part of the AWOS would have its own separate identity to link back to. Get it?

Q: Not at all.
A: Huh. Well, uh, let's move on to something else, then...

Q: Okay. When did you start running the AWOS?
A: AWOS started as a hobby in May of '99. It wasn't very good in the early days; I was trying to do things I wasn't ready to do, like riff pages with immense amounts of text. The movie reviews, however, are still pretty much the same format as they were in the beginning. Just everything around it changed.

Q: We've been seeing a lot of stuff on the site lately about you. What's that about?
A: As you learn about me, I'm learning about me too. I'm going through a phase of self-examination, and you're witness to it. This is a more personal site than you realize, I think.

Q: I found a broken link. What do I do?
A: Mail me using this link. Tell me the address of the page that has the broken link and which link it is, and I'll fix it ASAP.

Q: What happened to SnO's Spooky Car?
A: It sucked. I took it down. The pages got deleted, and I'm not going to make another attempt at an SnO page until I have something meaningful to say.

Q: Will you help me with my website? I'm having trouble with HTML code.
A: Abso-posi-lutely! Click here.

Q: I'm interested in writing for your MST3K episode guide. How would I go about doing that?
A: That's great! We really could use you, even if it's just for one ep. As my scribes have told me, just one ep is a huge job. E-mail me your request, or even better, your completed guide!

Q: Will you post my movie reviews on your site?
A: No.

Q: How many of your pages do you code yourself?
A: Great question! (Yeah, okay, I asked that one myself... *g*) The first page I wrote the code for from scratch was the Site Map. I coded the revised episode guides from scratch as well. The index page, Site Updates HQ, and several of the other pages are now all converted to pure HTML. I wouldn't have been able to make the main page look as beautiful as it does now in the basic editor. Not that the basic editor isn't useful; I still write all of my reviews in it, because they're so text-heavy. However, if I need to do anything creative, it's HTML all the way. FYI, this page is being written in code. :o) To see which pages are coded by me, right click on the page and view source (if you can). Anything with the tag !-- This page coded by Erika Riggio -- I coded all by my lonesome. :o)

Q: Why have you changed your guestbooks so often?
A: Miatrade's guestbook was ugly. Simple as that. As for the Beseen, there wasn't anything wrong with it, I just liked the Dreambook better.

Q: What's up with all the different e-mail addresses?
A: Ah, well...truth be told, I was addicted to coming up with screen names for a while, and I was just as addicted to e-mail addys. I now have five functioning e-mail addresses. My personal e-mail is, the site's e-mail for questions and tape trading is, my e-mail for various newsletters and stuff is, my e-mail for use on the View Askew WWWBoard is, and my e-mail for the Open Diary is The first two are interchangable, the last three I would prefer if you didn't send mail to. Thanks. :o)

Q: Do you hate corporations? Your copyright seems to say that you do.
A: I can understand where you would get that impression. And actually, you're pretty right. I had a bad experience with AOL, a major corporation. I've watched films that signify the deterioration of Disney, a major corporation. I've stood by while MTV and The SciFi Channel got rid of my two favorite TV shows; both are major corporations. You see where I'm going here? About the only major corporation I can endorse is Starbucks. Mmmmm...caffé latté...

Q: Why the hell didn't you answer my question here?
A: Well, you didn't ask! I love updating the place; it gives my life meaning. Mail me with your FAQ and I'll post it here. Thanks for visiting the site!!