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New Stuff - 06/24/00

Got up all six pages of Canada pictures, which you can see through the Vancouver page. Also, my Dixie Chicks Fly Tour page is up, as well as a new picture on the Bio page. Enjoy the crunchy goodness of pictures, won't you?

Just a quick note about MSTie Central- I took the site down a couple days ago for a redesign, and now Angelfire won't let me into the webshell. It's weird, because I can get in every other site I work on (all six of them), but not MSTie Central. I'm gonna write a complaint or bug report or whatever and see what happens. 'Til then, there's just no main page. Everything else that was there can be reached through the AWOS Site Map.

Redesigned the movie reviews. God, they needed it. Got rid of that horrid pink and have up a lovely blue-green motif now. Enjoy, won't you?

Got up a few reviews that should have been done a long, long time ago (I can still remember, how that music used to make me smile...): Keeping the Faith, High Fidelity, and American Psycho. Did a tiny bit of work on the table code (not too much, just some size specs) and fixed the e-mail addresses on the FAQ page. Please note that all tape requests should be sent to, the site address, rather than the old addy, And anyone who sent a request in the last couple months, don't worry, I've forwarded your messages to my personal e-mail and will be replying soon! Sit tight, and thanks for your patience! :o)

Not much'll be happening around the Interface, the review page, and MSTie Central for a bit, as I've been doing major code work for Serendogz and Shadowvoxer. Serendogz should be open in a week or so, and Shadowvoxer should be up by the fall at the latest. :o) 'Til next time.

Finished the new design... I like it. :o) Added a table to each main page that'll get you around faster. This idea will most likely evolve... this place is *always* a work in progress, and always a test. :o)

Check out my radio.sonicnet station, AWOS Radio! 'Til next time.

Let's just say I was inspired... thanks to Sweetwater Valley, I've got myself a whole new scheme on the main page. I've got lots of new backgrounds to go around, so the othe pages on the immediate interface will be next... :o)

Also, got up a new page with all kinds of virtual pets on it. Most of them also came from Sweetwater... a thanks to Cybriar, too, for inspiring my redesign with its redesign, as well as directing me to Sweetwater. Thanks, guys!

Good Lordy, where have I been? I need to update this more often... and I'll actually have *time* after school lets out. I've been doing things over the past month or so, but never checked in here to let you all know about it. So, I'll just say that there is some new shtuff, and let you explore around to find it. :o)

Just a few tiny things here and there... all the pages on the Interface have my new copyright image at the bottom, which links to my copyright page. Not much there that hasn't been said before, but I just wanted to say it for myself. A couple new images here and there... not much else. I'm working on shtuff behind the scenes that'll make the interface really cool, so stay tuned! :o)

Got up a *bunch* of new pictures! Check out the Bio page, the Pictures page, and the new LC Pix and Ambassador Pix pages. *g*

Gave the bio page a complete overhaul- it was about time!!! Check it out, won't you? *g*

Drum roll please... introducing... THE AWOS INTERFACE!! That's right, folkies, I've gotten all the different branches of the AWOS onto different Angelfire sites, and they're all linked together by the AWOS Interface. Hopefully that's the page you got to when you entered If you went to, you got a page directing you to the Interface. If that was the case, change your bookmarks, please!! :o) There'll prolly be a *lot* of broken links around, so if you find one please mail me and tell me what I need to fix. I hope you like the new AWOS!

MSTie Central Update: I transcribed a host seg and sent it to Ward E! It'll also be a part of MSTie Central, 'tho! Read it here.

Updated the FAQ page and made a banner to link back to MSTie Central, which avaliable on the Central's main page. 'Til next time.

Added some more midis into the script for the musicbox. I love that thing to death; sometimes I listen to it myself while surfing the net! Hope you like it as much as I do! Also, the main page got a bit of a color/image face lift, with new text colors and new separator lines. Pastels... who'd have thunk? :o) 'Til next time.

Just updated the tape list and added a call for SciFi upgrades to my tape page. Also, how do you like the April background for this page? Not real spring-y, I admit, but I like it VERY MUCH. :o)

I had to modify it, so it doesn't work exactly how it's supposed to (the window should have popped up automatically, dangit), but I do have the musicbox script running just fine and it's linked to the top of the main page. If you want to give a listen, click here. I also moved all the image links to the Links page, but I'm still playing around with spacing. It looks kind of weird now, but I hope to edit it up soon. 'Til next time.

Final updates went up on the Oscar page during the ceremony on Sunday, but I didn't report them here. I've also finished a new review for Erin Brockovich. I'm TRYING to put up a new midi script on the main page, but it's not really working on my end just yet... I'll keep editing the code, though, and see what happens. For now, you'll probably get an error message in the status bar on the main page, but it should clear up when you move to the other pages. Also, I've taken most of the image links off the main page and will be moving them to the Links page shortly. 'Til next update!

New review: The Cider House Rules. Updated: Oscar Watch, Tape Specs, Tape List, and this page's background.

Updated the tape page once again after a tape-recieving blitz. Also learned code for hover links (FINALLY!!!), and will be putting that new knowledge to damn good use. It's about time!! :o)

New review: The Green Mile. Updated: Tape List, Oscar Watch, and Review Archive.

I actually got up two new reviews on time! Yay! This time the offerings are The Insider and Sweet And Lowdown, a couple of Oscar contenders, meaning that the Oscar Watch page has also been updated. Big cosmetic improvements on that page as well. Tuesday I plan to see Green Mile, so that review'll be up soon. Finally, I learned a new code for stationary background, which is being implemented here and on the Oscar page. It might start popping up elsewhere as well. :o)

"Better late than never" seems to be my new motto around here. At any rate, I've finally gotten up my reviews for The Whole Nine Yards and Boys Don't Cry. I also did some updates at the Oscar Watch page, mostly cosmetic. Speaking of which, I've decided that, rather than change the main page bg, I'll put up holiday themed backgrounds here on the updates page. Here's the new one for St. Patty's- enjoy! :o)

Finally, if you get a chance, hop on over to a new little project of mine, Serendogz. And that's all, folks! See you next update!