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The Octopus Files, by Benway

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The Octopus Files is a completely free service, though Benway will always be very happy to accept any donations you may wish to give.

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"To keep making sense, standards must continue to solve real problems. They must not be designed to prove theories or to fix what’s not broken. They must be tested in implementations that have some bearing on the real world of web development. Their documentation must be clear, comprehensible, and free of the vagueness that leads to incompatible implementations based on guesswork. They should discard existing methods only when replacements offer overwhelmingly compelling—and realistic—benefits. And they should strive for compatibility with existing specs. A proposed standard that ignores these principles is an academic exercise. We prefer to take our exercise in the gym."


"I used to be able to do all these fancy dismounts after swinging upside down on the bars. It took me a long time to get up the nerve to try hanging upside down and I don't think I could get up the guts to do it again. More recently, I've lost a lot of flexibility after not having done yoga regularly for about a year. At one point I could touch my forehead to my extended knee."

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