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The Future of Thailand
(Written September 1998)
(This document is a follow-on from  Two Alternatives )
The actions of Mr Mahathir and friends, in fixing the Malaysian ringit independent of other world currencies is yet to be revealed. In only three days the Malaysian stock exchange has seen an increase of 35%, during a period when all other stock exchanges are falling.

The reason for this is that people are realising that in one fell swoop, the major controlling tentacle of the Fourth Reich has been severed, and now there is a chance of escape from the fatal grasp.
Now, for the first time ever in history, the role of the small business will be understood.

In England, 20 years ago, eighty percent of the work force were either self-employed or worked for an organisation with less than 20 employees. But they had absolutely no voice. The only voices were those of the government, the large corporations, or the labour unions whose members worked for the large organisations. So the only voice heard came from less than 20% of the workforce, resulting in a nation organised for less than 20% of the people. This pattern is repeated throughout the planet in increasing proportions, and the percentage of Thailand's 60 million people who have a say in how their lives are controlled is minimal. This is the effectof the Western type of democracy, which is primarily controlled by Big Business, which in turn is controlled by Big Oil.

Thailand does not need this type of democracy. The percentage of the Thai population who have any serious contact with Big Business is minimal, and if we then consider that only having a bank account is the only contact, then we have a majority of the population who have no serious representation. This is not democracy, so why do we continue to try to pretend that it is!

If Thailand is to succeed as a nation, with the traditional care and compassion for the Thai people, then we need to make some speedy and drastic changes.

We need to stand back from the usual run of the mill conversations, and look at Thailand as a part of the planet as a whole.

Then we will be able to see the unique and critical position in which Thailand currently rests.

The details of the two sides of the see-saw are outlined in an earlier document entiltled "Two alternatives for Thailand".  This document was produced in April, and the effects of considering only one of the alternatives over the past 5 months is clearly demonstrating the increasing urgency for a consideration of the other alternative. ( (See - Two Alternatives for Thailand) .

As a result of the current emergency situation, we now feel it necessary to begin to outline the details of how to put the alternative in to operation. We refer to this as Plan B for Thailand, or simply Plan B.       Plan B for Thailand .

The timing is now absolutely perfect for an IMMEDIATE decision which will start off the path to the New Thailand.

Now that the brilliant Mr Mahathir has fixed the Malaysian ringit, and has effectively created an idependent state within the global economy, Thailand must find it easy to follow suit.
 With the ringit and baht fixed, the small businessman will no longer be paying fluctuating prices for his imports, and will be receiving reasonably fixed prices for his exports. If we assume that the average business makes no more than 20% net profit, and we then further know that a currency fluctuation on a purchase can increase the price overnight by as much as 5%, and similarly a further 5% loss can be made on export, then it becomes obvious that at least half of the money which a small businessman has at his discretion requires to be reserved for the gambles of currency fluctuation. This has the effect of millions of people concentrating on currency fluctuations, instead of concentrating on their business. The trading in currencies in 1975 consisted of 20% speculative transactions, and 80% "real" transactions. Today, the real transactions are only 2.5%. (80% to 2.5% in only 23 years - See From the Real Economy to the Speculative by Bernard Liataer) 

Even the thousands of  "one-man/woman" vending" business, (who are never considered) are seriously affected. As prices fluctuate rapidly due to "inflation" or "currency changes" or import taxes, or crop shortages or whatever, the control of even the smallest business becomes a gamble, and whenever a gamble takes place, it is always the small time gambler, or poor person, who loses.

Once this currency noose is removed, and total concentration on business is again available, then the business will flourish.

By removing ourselves from the control of The Fourth Reich's (see  Earth Read-Out for an explanation of the Fourth Reich), currency controllers, operating through the IMF and World Bank, then we are more able to be in control of our own lives.

Many small businessmen (and women) in Thailand have no interest whatever in growing into one of the megacorporations which have a say in the controls provided by the Fourth Reich. The main idea of their business is to allow them to use their talents for the benefit of others, while securing a reasonable livelihood for their family. They have no desire to sell and move on, or to become in charge of thousands of employees. They are not on the same power trail as the people who run the megacorporations, and they prefers not to deal with them as suppliers. Their preferred suppliers are small businesses similar to their own, where needs can be discussed between the persons in charge of the businesses, thereby ensuring a more full understanding of the two needs. What chance of talking to Bill Gates about buying Office 97! for my small business?

So what is proposed now, is that this present time - today- is the absolutely perfect time for Thailand to put into action  Plan B:  and the reasons for the first step, fixing the Thai baht to the ringit, or independent of the dollar, is clearly demonstarted above.

The second step - encouraging small business - is eased as explained above, by the reduction of the odds in the gamble of business. There is a greater chance for small businesses to flourish with less currency and price fluctuation, and if small business flourishes, then the livelyhood and survival of millions of Thais is ensured. By step two, we are already changing our government to show compassion for a greater percentage of the Thai people.

Step three - educating the population - is where we begin to show some compassion for the younger elements of our society. We need to demonstrate that the life as shown on the television is not the only, or best, way to live. If we are able to allow the younger people to understand the need for Thai values to remain, in order to maintain their freedom, then we will have taken care of the longer term future of Thailand, and enabled more people to lead happier lives.

Step 4 - promotion of fellowship abroad - would recognise that the usual channels of governmental communication are one one minority representation to another minority representation, and from to minority views, international relations are established and conducted. If we in Thailand had a greater understanding of the views of the "people in the street" from other nations, then we would be able to see the folly or benefit of following another nation's policies.
We have no need to make the same mistakes which our current "mentors" have made and are making.

The recommendations of step 5 - to follow the direction indicated by The King - needs little comment, except to say, "Why have the recommendations of The King been so drastically ignored, or at least completely misunderstood by the current government, whose total emphasis is on finance, with apparent disregard for the people".

As stated in step 6 -placing total emphasis on the welfare of the people - is a new way of thinking for today's socalled democratic governments. If we enable the people to completely take control of their own lives, and provide assistance where difficulties are experienced, then we will no longer need the enormous budgets which the government spends so much time trying to manipulate and control.

If we then commence the decentralisation of government, as recommended in step 7, we will then require even less central government. This will dissipate any of the problems currently experienced, and allow local communities to have a real say in the government of their lives.Of course in order to achieve this step, we have to overcome the enormous egos of the current politicians, and this is best done at elaction time. If we only elect people who are determined to provide a government for the people, instead of for themselves, and who are committed to the decentralisation of power, then we can achieve this aim.

As we conduct these steps, and as explained in step 8, if we promote a "break-away" from the current outdated thinking, then it will soon become apparent to all concerned that this is a viable and desireable plan.

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