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Scenes 9-17!!

Ok…you've been bored shitless by the other scenes, so prepared to be disappointed by scenes 9-17!! They're very short ya see…

Sc9: Joey and Damon are at a mall walking around tying to find an optometrist
Joey: I never thought I'd say this to a guy but…you need a makeover.
Damon: I choose to ignore that.
Joey:First things first. (staring at his glasses) Have you ever considered contacts?
Damon gives Joey a weird look

Sc10:Outside of an OPSM. Damon's painful wails are heard

CUT TO:Damon sitting in a chair infront of a mirror, covering his right eye in pain and yelling. He gets up and blinks a couple of times (left eye-brown, right eye-green) then looks around for the optometrist

Damon:(looks around angrily) Where is he? (sees him) You're supposed to help my eyes not poke them out!! That's why we come to you for help!!
Joey:Calm down. Geez. At least get the other one in. You've got one green and one brown.
Damon:i(sits down) Okay. (optometrist edges near) But! This time I put it in.

CUT TO: Outside of OPSM. Damon's painful wails are once again heard

CUT TO: Damon hopping about covering his left eye.

Damon: Ow, ow, ow, ow, oooowwww. Tell me again, why am I doing this?

Sc11:Damon is walking out of OPSM covering his left eye and blinking uncontrollably with joey leading him ticking off OPSM on a piece of a paper he places back into his pocket
Joey:Now, what's up with your hair?
Damon feels his hair, which is gelled down to his scalp
Joey: Come on.
Joey drags Damon

Sc12: Outside a hairdressers. The sound of a jackhammer is heard in progress

CUT TO:Damon sitting in a chair. The hairdresser dripping with sweat. Joey staring at Damon's head

Joey: Not even one strand broke free. How much freaking gel do you use??
Damon shrugs

Sc13:TWO HOURS LATER-Damon emerges from the hairdressers with a nice, soft, floppy hairdo
Joey:Last but definitely not least - the clothes.
Damon:What's wrong with my clothes?
Damon standing in fuddy duddy clothes
Joey: Just come with me.
Joey drags Damon into General Pants

Sc14:Damon showing Joey the outfits Joey picked out. Each one Joey likes but Damon doesn't approve
Joey:What's wrong with them?
Damon: I feel like an idiot in these.
Joey: (looks at him strangely) In those?
Damon: I don't understand how the only way to be "cool" is to swim in my clothes. I mean, look at this. I could be lost in these pants for days!
Joey: (quietly) Who said that would be a bad thing?
Damon: Huh?
Joey:Look, do you want Vanessa or what?
Damon: Woah woah woah woah woah, wait, wait, wait, wait…Vanessa Harding? The girl who tripped me first day back?
Joey: Minor, insignificant detail.
Damon: You want me to go out with a girl who hates me?
Joey: That's pretty much the plan.
Damon: Are you insane?
Joey: Look, just go pick out something, put it on…and we'll see.
Damon: We'll see what?
Joey:If…(mumbles to himself about Damon dating Vanessa)
Damon: I am not going out with Vanessa.
Joey: Just go get clothes.
Damon walks away mumbling

Sc15:Damon walks out in army pants and a billabong T-shirt
Damon: Why do I need al these pockets?
Joey: I dunno. Cause, if you have a girlfriend and she makes you carry all her crap…
Damon: Oh…I get it. So, where to know?
Joey: Home…so tired from transforming you.
Damon: At least you didn't have someone try to bulldoze your head.

Sc16:Damon and Joey sneaking around school checking out Vanessa
Damon: So remember, I get your allowance for a year…You better remember that.
Joey:Yeah, yeah. (VO: Note to self…just ignore him…or cry to mum.) Yes…'tis a most brilliant plan.
Joey gets a devilish grin on his face
Damon: What in God's name are you doing??
Joey: What? Is it wrong to be happy.
Damon: In your case, yes.
Joey: Just shut up and listen to me…Here's what we're gonna do.

CUT TO:Ness and her friends. In the background Damon and Joey can be seen conversing

Carol: What the hell is wrong with those freaks?
Ness: I dunno…Just ignore 'em.
Damon and Joey slap each others hands and start dancing then realise they're in public and stop embarassed then they run off like little school girls
Ness: I'll never understand Damon.
Carol: You know one of them?
Ness: Yeah, used to be best friends in Primary…but we…grew apart…
Carol: Whatever. I care not for stanky beans with lumpy gravy.
Ness looks at Carol weirdly
Carol: (VO: Works everytime.)

Sc17: Damon and Joey are watching TV
Joey: Why change your mind now? We got a new plan and everything.
Damon: Your last one ended with Eddie's dog humping my leg…No more!
Joey:That was just one little mishap…you can't give up now.
Damon: Watch me.
Joey: But don't you have feelings for the girl?
Damon: No, you do.
Joey: But…aren't you a little intrigued by this Vanessa chick?
Damon: No.
Joey: But I thought you guys used to be best friends. Totally inseparable. Of course she moved on from battle…
Damon: OK, you shut up now.
Joey: Oh come on. You two were never apart until she discovered skateboards.
Damon: She left me.
Joey: She did what she wanted to do. You love girls who are strong.
Damon: But friendly.
Joey: She could be friendly…she has friends…so obviously she can be friendly.
Damon: Look! It's not happening.
Joey: Just one more attempt at getting the girl who could be the love of your life?
Damon: One more…but no dogs!
Joey: Yeah, yeah.

Scenes 1 & 2

Scenes 3 & 4

Scenes 5 & 6

Scenes 7 & 8

Scene 18

I wanna go HOME!!