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Scene 18!!

Ok…here's scene 18…I'm working on 19…it's all…shit…

Sc18:Night-time. Damon and Joey are walking to Ness' house carrying a ladder. The joggers form before jog past them and wink at them again. Joey looks at Damon but Damon just shrugs and continues to walk
Damon: Are you sure this is gonna work?
Joey: Just trust me. Didn't you notice the big commotion when Romeo and Juliet came out?
Damon: Yeah, but Leonardo DiCrapio was the one prancing around in tights.
Joey: Just do it. For me?
Damon: You're never gonna receive pocket money for as long as you live.
They walk up to Ness' house then go around the house placing the ladder beneath Ness' balcony
Joey: Much easier than scaling their drainpipe.
Damon: Yeah, yeah.
Damon climbs up the ladder and reaches the top
Joey: Get a good grip on that there balcony.
Damon:(grips the balcony) Why?
Joey takes away the ladder much to Damon's surprise
Damon: Are you insane?
Joey:You'll be fine. And if you lose your grip, there are a lot of nice lilies…and a trowel to break to your fall.
Damon:(relaxed for a few seconds) A…a what??
Joey: Just shut up and trust me.
Damon tightens his grip on the balcony while Joey starts throwing rocks at Ness' window…but hits Damon…constantly
Damon: See…this is why Dad took you outta Little League.
Joey: Oh shut up.

CUT TO:Vanessa in her room playing Nintendo. She hears a rock thrown against her window and a soft, grumbled "Finally" from Damon. She stops playing and goes out onto her balcony

Ness: Am I on candid camera?
Damon tries to answer but is too busy concentrating on keeping his grip, which is slowly dwindling
Ness: Do you want some help there?
Damon: No, no…I'm fine. Just…I need to ask you something.
Ness: Yeah?
Damon opens his mouth and lifts his finger to point out that he's gonna ask her out. He then realises what a stupid move that was and looks at his hand before falling
Damon: …Trowel…
Ness peers over the balcony at Damon
Ness: Are you sure you don't want any help?
Damon: I'm fine. I just…I think I'm just gonna lie here for a while
Ness' Dad opens the front door holding a shotgun
Damon: Or not.
Damon jumps up and runs behind a tree, Ness' Dad starts firing at him barely missing him. Damon slides over the hood of a car and hides behind it. Joey peers from a nearby bush
Joey:What the hell are you doing? I should be wining and dining Aimee by now. Get back there.
Damon: No.
Joey: And why not?
Damon looks back at Ness' Dad who fires and shatters the windscreen of the car setting off the alarm
Joey: Point taken. Let's go.
Damon runs behind the bush to Joey and they shortcut by that house and run home. Ness just watches and laughs

Scenes 1 & 2

Scenes 3 & 4

Scenes 5 & 6

Scenes 7 & 8

Scenes 9-17…they're really short…

Scenes 19-23...also very short...

Main story page thingy

I wanna go HOME!!