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New section added to help our visitors to find their way round our website.

Thai Flights Information

Fleets -Where you will find information about our fleets.
Pilots -Where we have put all of our pilots names into the list.
Join -Where you can fill out the form and start your career with us.
Downloads -Where you can download wonderful Thai aircrafts for FS2000.
Operator -Where you can get contacted with us.
Support -Where we can help you.(Here)
Crew center -It is for our pilots only.Where they are going have meetings or solve accidents.
Dispatch -Where you can find new aviations updates.
PIREP -For our pilots to log their flights.
Feedback -Where you can suggest your opinion about our website to us.
Gallery -Where we have collected a couple screenshots.
Links -Where we have put links to other VAs ,our airlines insurance,stockmarket, and our alliances.
Schedule -Where you can see our flights schedule.
Roster -Where pilots can request on and off duty.
Chief Pilots -Where you can see information about our chief pilots (Currently not available)
About Us -Our history.


If not enough information, please fill out this form below.
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Your Email:
Send your question below here.
