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Hi there, and welcome to my homepage. This is my first attempt at making a webpage, so bear with

I live in the southeastern part of Massachusetts in a small country town just outside of New Bedford, which is known as the "Whaling City", with my wonderful husband and 2 sons. We have lived here "like forever" but it's a nice place that we like to call home.

I wanted to make a webpage so you can get a glimpse of my little world and of the things I like to do in my spare time. I hope you enjoy it, and come back often, because I will always be adding things!!!

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Before Sept-11-2001, we were many and divided.  Now we are one and United.
We are  "The United States of America".

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Please sign my Guestbook

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  This site Created & Maintained
             by Blaze 2004-2005

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