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Image of ws_snowgwel.gif

Image of ws_wfountain01.gif

Welcome to my Snowglobe page. Countless hours and alot of coffee helped me to create these globes, which everyone knows is a job in itself. I like doing the many tutorials that are on the web, especially the very challenging ones. Or at least they are to me!

Many thanks to you all, if not for you generous people, I would have no clue of how to make them.

All of these globes were made by me, using a program called Paint Shop Pro. The snowglobe above was a good challenge for me, which is from a tutorial by Sharon, of FireFly Studios. Please do not copy it, instead visit her site and do her very well explained tutorial, it's fun and not really hard to do. Just click on the link at the bottom of the page and it will take there!

I hope you like what you see here, and come back often, as I will be adding more globes as I make them.

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      Image by
Jonathon Earl Bowser

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Page 2

While your hear, why not view some of my other pages.





Photos of Massachusetts

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Image of pspbutn.gif

  This site Created & Maintained
             by Blaze 2001-2002