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Welcome to my Lestage Family Page.

I have spent many years researching my family roots on my fathers side, which has almost 5,000 individuals and still growing. I hope to put the Gedcom File up here soon.

Now, I am currently researching the Lestage's from the New England area and points unkown. I am doing this for myself, my children and future generations, who would be interested in knowing who their family was and where they came from.

I am turning to the web to try and fill in the gaps in this family tree, which has only but a few branches, but I'm hoping that it will grow. Maybe someone out there will recognize a name or two, and would like to share some of their information, photos or even a story or two. I would be most interested to hear from you, and share whatever information I have so we could get this tree growing tall!.

I would like to thank my cousin Terry, for without her help this tree would be a few branches short!!

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  This site Created & Maintained
           by Blaze 2003-2004