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Stationery by Blaze

Image of vrphead.gif

Welcome to my stationery page for Outlook Express.  The stationery was designed by me using a program called Paint Shop Pro.  You are free to use them for your own personal use, and are not to be part of any collection on the internet, or used for Commercial sites or claimed as your own. All you need is Outlook Express and Winzip and your on your way to sending better looking email to your family and friends.

If you use any of my stationery, a link back would be greatly appreciated, but it's not necessary. I will be constantly adding to this website as time allows, so check back often.  I sure hope you find something that you like!

Image of vrprule.gif

                      Download Instructions

All stationery is in zip file format. To download the stationery zip files to your own computer, click on the image, and save to a temporary folder. Then unzip the files into: C:\\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\MicrosoftShared\Stationery.

Image of vrprule.gif

Stationery Index

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Image of vrphome.gif
Image of vrpmail.gif

Image of vrplink.gif

Image of vrprule.gif

Free Guestbook from Bravenet Free Guestbook from Bravenet


Most images used in my stationery are either scans of images from the various tube and clipart sites on the web, and from Cd's that I have purchased. I do not take credit for creating them, just for the stationery designs which are made by me. If you see an image that belongs to you, and you don't want the image used on this site, feel free to email me and I will remove it, or give credit where credit is due.

Want to learn more about Copyright, just click on the link below.

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Image of vrprule.gif

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Image of pspbutn.gif

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  This site Created & Maintained
            by Blaze 2003-2004

Last Updated 3/11/2004