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A571StatisticsName: A571 Real Name: Charles Helmstead Occupation: R & A Construction, Demolitions Expert Type of Hero: Bionics Level: 1st I.Q.: 12 M.E.: 18 M.A.: 10 P.S.: Hands and Arms 19 Legs 18 P.P.: Hands and Arms 19 P.E.: 20 P.B: 8 Spd: 32 (Can run at 130 mph) H.P.: 25 S.D.C.: 39 A.R.: 11 S.D.C.: 120 Height: 5'6" Weight: 224 Description: Charles was the experiment of the United States military to produce soldiers that can still fight after being paralyzed. Charles was originally born in China, where he picked up that language easier than English. During a raid on the base, he was paralyzed from the waist down and the military flew him back to the States to repair him. Charles is a black man of average height and build. He wears his hair short on top with a long pony tail at the side. He still considers himself Chinease in many respects. Skills
Hand to Hand Combat SkillsHand to Hand Type: Expert Attacks per round: 5 Initiative Bonus: +2 Strike Bonus: +2 Parry Bonus: +4 Dodge Bonus: +4 Damage Bonus: +4 Roll with punch/impact/fall: +3 Critical Strike: Natural 20 Pull Punch Bonus: +3 Weapon Combat Skills
Super Powers