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How Do I Play?This is to answer a list of frequently asked questions about the game. I am just trying to get your punk asses familiar with it. So now that you have chosen a kick ass character... you are probably asking yourself, "Dave, how do I play this game?" Well, its pretty different from White Wolf system, in that it uses all seven types of dice. The majority of the rolls you will make use a D20 and 2D10. You use the D20 to strike, parry, initiative, dodge, saving throws, etc. Anytime an opposed roll is needed, you usually use D20s. Generally speaking, the higher the roll, the better. "What about these skills on my character?" Well, those represents your characters actual knowledge. The percentage after the skill name is what you have to roll UNDER to succeed on a skill test. You use 2D10s to do this, designate one as the tens die and the other as the ones die. "What the hell are you talking about?" Ok, let me explain a little clearer. A percentage from 1-100... you need two D10s to do this. Lets say a red one to represent tens and a blue one to represent ones. When you roll, you get a 6 on the red (tens) and a 7 on the blue (ones). You have reached a score of 67. If you would have gotten 0 on both dice, it would be considered 100. So if your skill of Prowling - 35%, you would need a 35 or lower to succed at that skill. Got it. "What about my powers, how do I use them?" Most powers cost one attack per turn, it should state if it costs more. Check the combat section on what that means. Some powers have an I.S.P.(Inner Strength Point) or P.P.E. (Potential Psychic Energy) points. You subtract the cost of the power from your base skill. |