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TrigunStatisticsName: Trigun Real Name: Lance Beckett Occupation: Cox Communications, Cable Installer Type of Hero: Super Spy Level: 1st I.Q.: 13 M.E.: 10 M.A.: 12 P.S.: 14 P.P.: 16 P.E.: 12 P.B: 8 Spd: 13 H.P.: 28 S.D.C.: 70 Height: ??? Weight: ??? Description: Lance Beckett was trained by the U.S. government as a point man. He'd get in, get what they wanted, and get out before anyone but the beautiful ladies noticed. Problem was, Beckett was never to well liked by others. One particular rival framed Beckett for a crime he didn't commit. So he left for Phoenix and joined the unlikely group of heroes. Skills
Hand to Hand Combat SkillsHand to Hand Type: Martial Arts Attacks per round: 4 Initiative Bonus: +2 Strike Bonus: +1 Parry Bonus: +1 Dodge Bonus: +1 Damage Bonus: +0 Roll with punch/impact/fall: +3 Critical Strike: Natural 20 Pull Punch Bonus: +3 Weapon Combat Skills
Super Powers