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Fanfiction by Title: S-U


The Saturday Interview: Severus Snape
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Spoofy hack-journalism piece about an afternoon with Severus Snape.
Sealed With A Kiss
Rated: NC-17
Summary: When a new piece of information regarding Snape's family history comes to light, Dumbledore decides to help give Fate a little nudge in Snape's favor.

Shadow of the Wolf
Rated: NC-17
Summary: Snape can't see past the wolf to the man ... can he?

Side Effects
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sirius tries to come to terms with his unusual relationship with Remus and Severus.

A Singular Touch of Grace
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Lupin asks for a stronger dose, and Snape thinks about giving it to him.

Ellen Fremedon:
The Skull Beneath the Skin
Rated: NC-17
Summary: The Dark Mark cuts deep. A werewolf understands.

Lady Feylene:
Someday Out of the Blue
Rated: R
Summary: Remus Lupin is back at Hogwarts, and causes Severus Snape to re-evaluate his life.

Yue Kato:
Something Desired As Essential
Rated: PG
Category: Drama/Angst, Romance
Summary: It was a hard road back to Hogwarts for Lupin, and an even harder one to Snape's heart.

A Spare Robe at Midnight
Rated: PG for slashy sexual tension
Summary:Remus teases a fellow professor in need and gets more than he bargained for.

Dovie LR:
Staffroom Seduction
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: graphic m/m sex, language, violence, BDSM, implied violence, seemingly NCS
Summary: This is my first experiment in slash, which follows along with the major events of Prisoner of Azkaban from Snape's POV.

Minerva McTabby:
Stand By Your Snape
Category: Filk
Rating: G
Notes: Because JayKay asked for it.

Jean Tarin:
Category: PWP
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Severus, Remus, and ice cream sundaes. Need I say more?

Kitty Smith:
Sweet Dreams
Rating: Hmm. R
AN: So it's short, plotless, and not even any sex. But I'm writing this at uni, so what do you expect? :D

Snape No Koibito
Talking Dirty in the Classroom, or I Like It
Rated: R
Summary: Remus has a dirty mouth, and Severus finds he enjoys it.

They Always Say, You Can't Go To Hogwarts Again
Rated: G
Summary: They always say, you can't go home again, yet here's Remus Lupin, teaching at Hogwarts.

The Lady Feylene:
Time Heals All Wounds
Rated: NC-17
Summary: Master and Wolf challenge 55) Snape finally gets what he has always wanted: Remus Lupin. It doesn't take him long to realize, however, that Lupin will never get over the loss of Sirius. When Snape finds out there's a way to bring Sirius back, he has a decision to make.

To Wake Up and Dream
Rated: G
Summary: A confession leads to a waking dream.

Rated: NC-17
Summary: Can a relationship between three people be sexy?

True Confessions
Rated: PG-13
Summary: Lupin and Snape and a truth potion...

Rated: NC-17
Warnings: starts off as non-con
Summary: Prisoner of Azkaban: The missing scene. Why Remus turned in his resignation that morning but wasn't seen packing to leave until that afternoon.



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