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I come in the divine name of CIPHER KING ALLAH. Who ever shall enter this site is reading the truth. Who ever reads the

truth will see the light of who he is, the purpose of his or her being on Earth. For this site is a site of life. It will help teach you

the way of life, which is righteousness. It will help teach you the reality of life. It will teach you who is the unalike attract and

Alike repel. This site will help protect you from any trick or trap that the enemy has placed in front of us to keep us in slavery.

this site deals with life, which is freedom, justice, equality, love, peace and happiness. This site houses the truth that shows and

proves your roots. It speaks on the blackman being God, who teaches civilization to all human families of the planet Earth, as I

am doing to this date, writing. But its up to you to see the light. You have to want the truth to see the truth.


ALL PRAISES DUE TO "Clarence Master Unknown" (Father ALLAH) for planting the seed of life in the wilderness of

ignorance or the so-called "negroe's" dome, the foundation in the year knowledge-born-equal-culture showed and proved that

ALLAH knew that if the Lost-Found did not look to self for leadership, we as followers would not be independant to think and

manifest for self. So the NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS, through living Mathematics and the everlasting cipher of life

(360 degrees), as poor righteous teachers, think, learn, teach, manifest for the cause of freedom, justice, and equality for self

and as a nation dealing with the knowledge-born degree in the Supreme Alphabets. Clarence Mastered the Unknown for the

cause that God possesses the power to make the unknown known. ALLAH's supreme understanding was and is born in every God who manifests that knowledge amongst the blind. The choice is clear; build or destroy, civilize or submit, serve justice (or ice) for self and nation. Ruler over part to make all is right and exact. Peace God *7).



**NOTE** Plus lessons are not to be taken on face value. I suggest to anyone, whether your visiting this or any other site, to weigh the wisdom being served to you against your degrees. If you feel that a particular plus lesson goes contrary to your lessons then leave it alone, or take only the best part that can be showed and proved by the True and Living GOD. Remember that a plus lesson is just another GOD's understanding of an issue dealing with the science of life. PEACE!


Picture of the Father and Justice at ALLAH'S SCHOOL in MECCA


 The Creation of the Sun

 Our Asiatic Calendar

  Science of GOD

 The Great Wisdom

 The Supreme Realization

 Mystery of the Seventh Seal

 African or Asiatic

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