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Why this name?
I 'stole' the name from Homer's Odyssey. Skylla was a 3(or 6) headed monster who, when Odysseus' ship passed by, devoured many of the men on board. If you haven't read the Odyssey yet...take the time to do it!!
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Her story is as follows:
Glaucus, a fisherman, was counting the fish he had caught. The fish began to stir and move back toward the water. Glaucus, amazed, wondered if this was the work of a god or some magical element in the grass, so he pulled out a handful and ate it. Instantly, an irresistable longing for the sea came over him and he ran and jumped into the ocean waves. Kindly received by the sea gods, his mortal nature was taken from him. He lost consciousness and when he recovered he was a sea god with hair green like the ocean and a body which ended in a fish tail.

One day, he caught site of Skylla, a lovely nymph, bathing in a small bay. Glaucus arose from the sea and Skylla fled to a high peak where she could watch him in safety. Glaucus tried to summon her back down by telling her "I am no monster, maiden. I am a god with power over the waters and I love you." But Skylla, frightened, ran further inland away from the heart-broken Glaucus.
In his despair, he went to Circe, the enchantress, for a love potion that would melt Skylla's heart. During the course of conversation, Circe fell in love with Glaucus. She tried to direct his affections toward her with her sweet words and looks, but Glaucus paid no attention. He claimed that "trees will cover the sea bottom and seaweed the mountain tops before I will cease to love Skylla".

Circe was furious, but with Skylla, not Glaucus. She concocted a vial of powerful poison and poured it into the bay where Skylla bathed. Afterwards, Skylla went to the bay, and upon entering the water, she was changed into a hideous monster. Numerous heads, of serpent and dog, sprung from her neck, each with three rows of teeth. Below the waist, her body was made up of hideous monsters which writhed unceasingly. The beastly forms were a part of her, she stood there, rooted to a rock, in her unutterable misery, hating and destroying everything that came within her reach. As Jason, Odysseus and Aeneas found out, she was a peril to all sailors who passed near her.
Skylla is the offspring of Phorkys and Hekate (Hecate).

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