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My 16 year old brown tabby who was with me for over half of my life...she passed away Jan. 18, 2003

Wolfie (W.A. Mozart)
Our pure bred American Cocker Spaniel--the sweetest lil pup I've ever known.

Our sweetheart - rescued her from a horrible fate at the hands of some crazy lady in Frostburg.

Our lil pet store kitty -
Passed away January 7, 2007 at only 7 years old.

Skylla, Caesar & Osiris
These three are brothers & sister & are "polydactyls" (have an extra toe-like the Hemingway cats).
They were on their way to the pound when we took them & adopted them.
We were only gonna take one (I chose Skylla [gave her my name]) but then decided we
couldn't split them up & adopted all three -- so glad we did!

Nyx & Luna
Nyx is a lil tux kitty & Luna is a gray tabby :)
Got them from a friend in Keyser.
Nyx is just freakin adorable & Luna is the playful one

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