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by Melanie Clulow

I gazed upon the steep, rocky mountainside,
the wall of granite which,
mirroring my innermost sorrows and concerns,
precariously were balanced two hundred feet above.
The titanic burdens hovered menacingly over me,
inspiring fear from their leviathan caliber.

I imagined the heavy gray stones
tumbling down the abrupt descent,
crushing my fragile bones under oppressing weight;
forcibly pressing the air out of my lungs
as I screamed in misery, bemoaning my tragic fate--
to be buried alive within a stone grave.

Inwardly shuddering from my disturbing image
I turned to flee anxiously away.
But then, one by one, the rocks came
trickling down, increasing in rapidity until
they merged into a monstrous river
in which I would drown.

Links Around Melanie's Realm and Beyond!!

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Links to My Poetry
Links to My Short Stories
My Favorite Quotes
Melly and Kiwi's Avatar Centre
Links to My Friends' Webpages
Webrings I Belong To
Christmas 2000 Photo Album
Kiwi's ULTIMATE Empire
