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Chrono Trigger

Although I do not think that Chrono Trigger is the best RPG ever made, it was still good. One thing that I really enjoyed about the game was the Techniques. Usually in an RPG, you will get a bunch of spells that you will never use. However, all the Techniques in Crono Trigger will get a good use out of them.

I could not really feel any emotion behind the characters. That is one thing the game lacked. I also did not like some of the repetitive concepts of the game (like the Chancellor being Yakra twice!). But it was still an awesome game with a good replay value.

If you have heard that the game will give you 50 to 100 hours of game play, do not believe it. I beat the game in less than 26 hours the first time I played it and about 15 the second time.

Clues, hints, etc.
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