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Ničiren YU
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Available translations
1 What does Nam-myoho-renge-kyo mean?
Explanation of the meaning of mantra used in practice of Nichiren Buddhism is an excerpt from Lecture on the Lotus Sutra by Josei Toda, edition 1984.
2 All People Are Buddhas
Those who live based on boundless seeking spirit and resolute vows never become deadlocked. This is the path of infinite advance. (Lecture on the Lotus Sutra No 17 by Daisaku Ikeda.)
3 The Gohonzon is the True Entity of All...
"With the light of the wisdom of the true entity of all phenomena we can dispel the darkness of illusion arising from ignorance of this wisdom. In that sense, our existence itself is light. Ours is a struggle to brighten and illuminate the place where we are. When we become light, then, no matter where we are, there can be no darkness in that realm." (Lecture on the Lotus Sutra No 14 by Daisaku Ikeda.)
Dostupni prevodi
1 Šta znači Nam-mjoho-renge-kjo?
Objašnjenje značenja mantre koja se koristi u praksi Ničiren budizma je izvod iz predavanja Đosei Tode o Lotos sutri, izdanje 1984.
2 Svi ljudi su bude
"Oni koji žive utemeljeni u neiscrpnom tragalačkom duhu i odlučnom zavetovanju, nikada se neće naći u zastoju. To je staza beskrajnog napredovanja." (Predavanje Daisaku Ikede br. 17 o Lotos sutri.)
3 Gohonzon je prava suština svih pojava
"Svetlom mudrosti prave suštine svih pojava možemo odagnati tamu iluzija koje izranjaju iz neznanja o ovoj mudrosti. U tom smislu, naše postojanje po sebi je svetlost.Naša je borba u tome da razbistrimo i osvetlimo mesto na kome smo. Kada postanemo svetli, tada, bez obzira gde smo, neće moći da bude tame u tom području." (Predavanje Daisaku Ikede br. 14 o Lotos sutri.)


Razna predavanja
Ovde možete naći preko 40 Ikedinih predavanja o Lotos sutri, razna druga njegova predavanja, kao i predavanja Đosei Tode.
Poziv na saradnju
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Ukoliko zapazite neku grešku i/li propust u tekstu biću vam zahvalan ako mi javite - tako će brže biti ispravljeni, a vaše ime će se naći na listi saradnika (osim ako vi to ne želite).
If you note some errors and/or omissions in text, please tell me here - so I could fix them faster. Thanks a lot.
Various Lectures
Here you can find over 40 lectures of Daisaku Ikeda, various other lectures of him, and lectures of Josei Toda too.


ned, 03-06-29

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