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Ezzy's House on the Web

Hiya! Welcome to my website! I'm SO glad you came! Please sit back & enjoy yourself! I have just come back from my trip! I went to Australia for those of you who don't know (I think my mom & I pretty much covered everyone though ) and I have set up an Australia Photo Album! Just click on the button below to see my pictures! Above is Sugar and Spice, Sugar is the fat one on the left, Spice on the right. Sugar is my kissy chocolate-loving rattie, Spice was a shy, but sweet "feeder rat" rescue. That means we saved her from being sold to someone for snake food. :o( Spice went to play at the Rainbow Bridge May 14th, 1999. She is missed very much. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or comments. Also, keep coming back! I'm always adding new things to my website! :o) Enjoy....

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Learn all about my interests, my family, and everything else under the sun! See the beautiful awards my friends have generously given me! See all my favorite links, webpages and AOL Keywords!

These are the MIDIs I use on this page, plus a few extra MIDI & WAV files I love! (Look for more in the very near future!) This is my Photo Album, where you can see pictures of me, my family and my pets! See pictures from my recent trip to Australia!

Photo Album Pg. 1 | Photo Album Pg. 2 | Photo Album Pg. 3 | Photo Album Pg. 4 | Photo Album Pg. 5 | Photo Album Pg. 6 | Photo Album Index

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-=Last Updated September 18th, 1999=-

-=Web Page created February 1999=-

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You are listening to "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion from the Titanic movie soundtrack. You can download it from my MIDI & WAV file page!

E-mail Me if you have any questions or comments!

Buttons by Rachael. Thank you!!! :o)