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-Home Page

-Where They Got It

-Animated Gifs
-Sprite Sheets
-Snes Roms
-Game Pics

-HTML Symbols


Animated Gifs

All pictures are actual size, so if you don't like their size just double or cut the size in half(hint- same Zero gifs <above> on this page as home page only height and width changed in HTML code). No problem, right?

You are free to use my gifs but if use them on a site I would like to know the address so I can see my gifs being used and add some links.^_^

View All animated gifs-Look at all the animated gifs at once. Can take awhile with a slow connection.

Dragonball Z gifs-Look at all the Dragonball Z animated gifs that I made.

Gundam Wing gifs-Look at all the Gundam Wing animated gifs that I made.

Megaman X gifs-Look at all the animated gifs I made from Megaman X games.

Other gifs-Look at all the animated gifs I didn't make enough of to make onto individual sections.