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The bios here that I wrote are on video game characters that I find interesting or like. Some bios are also game spoilers, so don't read them if you haven't, but plan to, play the games they are from. These take me a long time to write so don't expect many more unless people submit bios that they wrote themselves.

From Megaman X games:

Zero-*game spoiler* Megaman X's best friend and in the later games he is a co-main character. This bio was written by: Me

From Xenogears:

Fei Fong Wong-*game spoiler* The main character of Xenogears. This bio was written by: Me

Weltall-*game spoiler* Fei's Gear. This bio was written by: Me

Weltall-Id-*game spoiler* Id's Gear. This bio was written by: Me