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Where They Got It

Often when people write stories or make games they will use vocabulary words, foriegn languages, terms, history and mythology to name things like characters, items or places. Below is a list of some such cases intentional or not. Why did I make such a list you ask, 1.)because I can, 2.) you might learn something and 3.)it's fun to find such things in games!
*Note-I know I may have left some games out, that is because I put games that I knew for sure had these names/terms/etc in them.

Name/word/thingSome games used in Brief descripction of word/name/thing
AbelXenogears second son of Adam and Eve, he often offered calves and sheep to God which made his brother jealous and kill him.
aegisSome Final Fantasy games Greek myth- Zeus' breastplate or shield.
AndvariXenogears Norse myth- a dwarf who Loki forced to give up his gold and magic ring that could create it so that he(Loki) could pay a ransom.
arcaneXenogears hidden or secret;understood by only a few;esoteric.
Babel TowerBattle Clash, Metal Combat, Xenogears tower that humans were building that would be able to reach heaven, it made God angry so he made everyone building it speak a different language.
baronBattle Clash a member of the lowest rank of the British hereditary peerage.
bishopChess a clergyman of high rank.
brigandXenogears a lawless fellow who lives by plunder;bandit.
CainMegaman X1, 2, 3, 4, Xenogears first born son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. God punished him by forcing him to wander the earth, also God marked his face so that nobody could kill him out of mercy.
cardinalFinal Fantasy Tactics the highest rank next to the Pope, in the Catholic Church.
carbuncleFinal Fantasy Tactics formerly, any of certain deep-red gems.
chronosChrono Trigger(way too obvious, huh?) Greek for "time".
DeusXenogears Latin for "God".
diamondFinal Fantasy 7 one of the crystal-line forms of carbon and the hardest substance known.
emeraldFinal Fantasy 7 precious stone of beryl species,transparent and bright green in color.
epochChrono Trigger a period of time considered in terms of noteworthy event, characteristics, etc.
Fenris(Fenrir)Xenogears, Final Fantasy 6 Norse myth- a great wolf,son of Loki and Angerbode, who was bound by the gods with a magic chain.
GaeaMegaman X5 Greek myth- the Goddess of the earth.
GunnarNot sure, just like the name Norse myth- king whom Sigurd swore brotherhood with. Gunnar was the brother of Sigurd's wife,Gudrun, and married Brynhild who Sigurd had to get for him.
HeimdallXenogears Norse myth- the watchman of Asgard,home of the gods and slain heros.
HyperionFinal Fantasy 8 Greek myth- a Titan,son of Uranus and Gaea,and father of the sun god Helios.
IrisMegaman X4, 5 Greek myth- the Goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.
JanusChrono Trigger Roman myth- two faced(literally) God of gates and doors.
JunoMegaman Legends Roman myth- the Goddess of marriage and women. Known as Hera in Greek mythology.
KaiserXenogears, Final Fantasy 6 derived from Latin Caesar and given to the emperors of the Old Holy Roman Empire, and the rulers of the German Empire.
leviathanFinal Fantasy 7, 8 a sea monster thought as a reptile or whale; something of huge size.
necrosisParasite Eve 2 the death or decay of tissue in a particular part of the body, as from loss of blood supply, burning, etc.
NemesisResident Evil 3: Nemesis Greek myth- the Goddess of vengeance.
onyxPokémon a variety of agate with alternate colored layers,used as a semi-precious stone.
opalFinal Fantasy a mineral with varying hues of green,yellow,and red.
pearlFinal Fantasy 6 something very precious;a small size of printing type, a creamy grey.
phoenixFinal Fantasy 6, 7, 8 Egyptian myth- beautiful lone bird that lived in the Arabian desert for 500 or 600 years and then consumed itself in fire where it rose from its ashes and began another long life.
piccoloDragonball Z games a small instrument in the flute family an octave in pitch above an ordinary flute.
QuetzalcatlFinal Fantasy 8 the principal god of the Aztecs which is symbolized by a feathered serpent.
RagnarokFinal Fantasy 6, 7, 8 Norse myth- "the day of doom" when heaven and earth will be destroyed.
rubyFinal Fantasy 7 a red variety of corundum valued as a gem;purple-tinged red color.
SigurdXenogears Norse myth- son of Sigmund, the brave hero that was able to pass through the flames Odin had placed around Brynhild and wake her.
sirenFinal Fantasy 5, 6, 8 Greek & Roman myth- sea nymphs, usually represented as part bird part woman, who lured sailors to their death with seductive singing.
shoatFinal Fantasy 5, 6 a young pig.
squallFinal Fantasy 8 to scream or cry out violently; a sudden gust of wind.
ThanatosBattle Clash Greek myth- Death itself, known as Orcus to the Romans.
ultimaFinal Fantasy 6, 7, 8 from Latin "ultimus" meaning end, last; the last syllable of a word.
vendettaXenogears any bitter feud;blood feud,in which it was the duty of the relative of murdered man to avenge his death by killing murderer or relative of murderer.
viscountMetal Combat a degree or title of nobility below earl in rank and above baron.
vivifyDragon Warrior 3 to give life to; animate.
vulpinePokémon having to do with foxes; cunning; crafty.
xenosXenogears (too obvious?) Greek for "strange".
wyvernXenogears, Dragon Warrior dragon, serpent; dragon with two legs, wings, and a barbed tailed.
YggdrasilXenogears, Breath of Fire 3 Norse myth- the ash tree which supports the universe and held the world.
zephyrMetal Combat, Final Fantasy 6 Greek myth- the god of the west wind; soft wool fabric.

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