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Eyebrows are generally pierced at the end, but they can be pierced anywhere along the eyebrow itself.

- procedure -

1. The area is well cleaned with an antibacterial cream.

2. The piercer holds the eyebrow and pulls it slightly out away from the head.

3. A needle, sometimes hollow, is pushed through the fold of skin the piercer is holding.

4. The needle is removed and a captive bead or circular barbell is inserted into the hole.

5. The bead is placed in the ring, or the bead is screwed on and the piercing is complete.

- aftercare -

After the eyebrow is pierced you can expect your eyebrow to feel "hot". But don't worry, it goes away in a few hours. The eyebrow may appear red for a day or two, this is normal. You may want to put a band-aid over the ring when you sleep to help the healing process.

You should clean the piercing three times a day. Using Neosporin or sea salt water and a Q-Tip, thoroughly clean both ends of the piercing. Do not use cream based ointments because they can dry the wound and infect it.

The jewelry can be changed about 3-4 weeks after it was pierced. Curved Barbells and Captive beads are generally used, they vary in color and gauge. Straight barbells are discouraged because the press against the head and stretch out the piercing causing irritability and redness.

- jewelry -

Captive Bead
Captive bead

Curved Barbell
Curved Barbell

Circular Barbell
Circular Barbell

CircuLar Barbell Spike
Circular Barbell Spike

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