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Johnny Z's

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Johnny Z's Take

Foreign Films
Z Language


Life is Beautiful

Il Postino


Manon des sources


La Femme Nikita


Children of Heaven


Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl (Tian Yu)

see also Martial Arts

Movie Summaries

Il Postino
Italian (The Postman)
Massimo Troisi and Maria Grazia Cucinotta star as a novice postman and a really really hot Italian chick who fall in love in a small village in Italy, with a little help from erotic poet Pablo Neruda (played by Philippe Noiret). Outstanding This is the perfect date movie. PERFECT. (Unless the girl starts fantasizing about rustic Italian men. Then, not so good.) Foosballs play a small but pivotal role, while socialism plays a small and ultimately extraneous role, doing some harm to the movie as a whole, but it's foreign so you have to expect these things. Did I mention that Maria Cucinotta was incredibly sexy? Because she is. (The movie is rated PG, if you were wondering.) This is the most romantic, funny, charming movie, without being too complicated . . . I just can't say enough good things about it. Watch it and see for yourself.

Waking Ned Devine
Laugh out loud frickin' hilarious. This oddball flick follows two old Irish fogies who scheme to collect on their buddy's (Ned Devine) winning lottery ticket after he dies at the shock of winning. They live in a tiny rural village, have a touching friendship, get the whole village in on the scheme, and race around naked on bicycles. Folks, these are old hairy naked men we're talking about here, and while you may want to hide your eyes during that scene the whole movie is preposterously funny. And, of course, they talk with a funny accent. The story is also moving, great for the whole family (despite the brief naked old man skit, it's rated PG), and well made. If you haven't seen it yet, you're really missing something special, so go to it!

La Vita e Bella
Italian (Life is Beautiful)
Review coming soon.

French (Indochina)
Review coming soon.

Children of Heaven
Iranian: Persian language
Review coming soon. For now, know that it's about shoes. And it's excellent.

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