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Johnny Z's

Movies Index * Martial Arts * Chick Flicks * Republican * Adam Sandler * Sandra Bullock
Baseball * Jim Carrey * Insurance * Adventure * Bond * Foreign * General * In Theatres Now

Johnny Z's Take
Index of Movie Reviews
Movies in blue have not yet been posted online, but should be coming within the next month or so

Martial Arts
The Accidental Spy
The Prisoner
Operation Condor
Legend of Drunken Master
Shanghai Noon
Project A
Twin Dragons
Kiss of the Dragon
Once Upon a Time in China
The One

Conan the Barbarian
Conan the Destroyer
The 13th Warrior
Kull the Conqueror
Red Sonja

In Theatres Now
& Recently
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Die Another Day
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
About Schmidt

Adam Sandler
Little Nicky
Happy Gilmore
Billy Madison
The Waterboy
The Wedding Singer

Sandra Bullock
Demolition Man
The Net
Miss Congeniality
Murder by Numbers
Love Potion No. 9
Gun Shy

Major League
Field of Dreams
The Rookie
Bull Durham
For Love of the Game
Rookie of the Year
Eight Men Out
A League of Their Own
Angels in the Outfield
The Natural

Chick Flicks
The Princess Bride
Father of the Bride
Only You
How to Make an American Quilt
Sleepless in Seattle
The Diary of Anne Frank
You've Got Mail

Il Postino
Waking Ned Devine
Cold Comfort Farm
Children of Heaven
Manon des sources
Life is Beautiful

Jim Carrey
The Mask
The Majestic
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
The Truman Show
Dumb & Dumber

James Bond
Die Another Day
Tomorrow Never Dies
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
The Spy Who Loved Me
Dr. No

The Thomas Crowne Affair
To Catch a Thief
Beverly Hills Cop II

True Lies
The Last Boy Scout

General Interest
The Big Kahuna
American Vampire
The Evil Dead
Blade Runner
Thir13en Ghosts

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