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About The Artist...

The idea of ArchImages was conceived by artist, Brenda Mannina. Also known by her Lakota name, Pejuta Tanka Winyan, Brenda is both an artist and a traditional medicine woman. Through her experiences as a healer, Brenda recognized how often people neglect their “spiritual health” and how this can have a detrimental affect on their physical health.

“Once I fully realized how essential it is to nourish both the spirit and the body, my thoughts towards healing had less to do with herbal remedies and more to do with replenishing the spirit… Many people today find it difficult to have a “spiritual life” while living in the busy, mundane world. There are jobs to work, bills to pay, meals to cook, laundry to wash, etc. As a result, we make less and less time for Spirit. And as a result of that, we eventually do not feel whole; people become listless, depressed, lack motivation and they can’t quite figure out why. One way towards wholeness is to both recognize and reclaim those places and spaces within our lives that we can set apart as Sacred. By bringing the Sacred back into our lives, we begin to bring balance back into our lives, back into our health.”

“Not unlike the statues, crucifixes and pictures that people display in their homes, ArchImages are inspiring reminders to those who feel an intimate connection with specific deities or personal spiritual guides. By reclaiming our space we can create our own personal sanctuaries, accentuated with visual cues that remind us of our spiritual beliefs and values. Within those places we honor as Sacred, distractions should fall away and our thoughts, prayers and actions can, instead, be inspired by something much more than a basketful of dirty laundry.”

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