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About Archetypes, Spirit Guides, Deities and Sacred Space...

The definition of archetype can be understood by looking at its word parts. Arch = chief, principle. Type = image, symbol, representation. Typically, archetypes are understood to be models or exemplars that symbolize, represent and/or embody physical and soul-ful characteristics of humans, animals and/or natural elemental forces. A few archetypal examples include: the clown, the magician, the healer, the wild woman, the jaguar, the wolf, the wind.

A Spirit Guide is an auspicious celestial being that one feels they have a personal connection with. Most people find their Spirit Guides in dreams or visions or during prayer or ceremony. A Spirit Guide can have human and/or animal characteristics or elemental qualities associated with the earth, sky, water, wind, etc. Many Spirit Guides tend to have masculine or feminine energies as well. A Spirit Guide can be a known deity; however, in some cases, a personal Spirit Guide may only be known and recognized by one or few individuals. Many people of the European traditions refer to their Spirit Guides as Gods or Goddesses. Spirit Guides and deities associated with Native American traditions are often referred to as Grandfathers or Grandmothers.

A deity is defined as a Supreme Being, God or Goddess. Traditional deities are generally Spirit Guides or Divine Intercessors that work on a much larger scale than a personal Spirit Guide. Most deities have been recognized and worshipped by cultures of people for thousands, if not millions, of years. A few examples of deities include: Odin the God of War, Venus the Goddess of Beauty, the Thunder-beings – the Grandfathers of the West, and Iktome – the Grandfather of trickery and illusion.

Sacred Space is an area that one has specifically arranged or designated to be nurturing or holy in some way. Sacred Space can be within your heart, within your home, within your garden, within your office, etc. Any area set aside for peaceful repose, spiritual reflection, meditation, prayer, ceremony or the placement of sacred objects is Sacred Space.

Most people naturally create Sacred Spaces in their homes. This generally happens when one is rearranging/redecorating a particular room. They might have, for example, begun with a favorite chair or carpet, and then added a treasured picture or statue as well as plants or candles. This area is frequently "tweaked," until it is “just right.” The end product is usually a warm and welcoming space where that person will naturally gravitate to for relaxation, reflection, prayer, etc.

People (both unknowingly and consciously) create Sacred Space for numerous reasons. The most obvious is to create a comfortable, quiet sanctuary of reprieve from the busy, noisy demands from the outside world. Others create Sacred Space specifically for prayer or ceremony, especially those who follow some of the older earth-based religions that are not traditionally housed in temples, churches or permanent meeting places.

Sacred Spaces are becoming increasingly important to people from all walks of life and with the evolution of spiritual awakening happening both within and around us, people are now searching for obscure or custom-made spiritual, symbolic objects to place within their Sacred Spaces.

The addition of an ArchImage within your Sacred Space can add a feeling of beauty, peace and tranquility. With eyes closed, as if in prayer, each ArchImage exudes a sense of calmness and confidence, as well as a feeling of guardian protection over the room it occupies. Because each person’s Sacred Space must be tailored to their individual spiritual needs, it is with meticulous attention to detail and respectful intentions that we offer our very best in creating a custom ArchImage just for you.

The following books are recommended for more information on these subjects:

Archetypes: Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss
Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estès, Ph.D.
Spirit Guides: Sacred Healing by Mary Dean Atwood
Sacred Space: Sacred Space by Denise Linn
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