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Welcome to ArchImages...

ArchImages are life-like facial sculptures of traditional deities and archetypes, meticulously hand-crafted to grace the walls of your home or office.

Each sculptured image personifies a traditional religious figure or archetypal theme which functions as an aesthetic, inspirational piece, helping to transform your physical space into “sacred space.”grandmotherautumn2a.jpg (13334 bytes)

With eyes closed, as if in prayer or meditative reflection, each ArchImage serves as a visual cue or reminder of personal beliefs, goals, potential or personal spiritual guides.

Specializing in endemic tribal themes and ancient, traditional deities, custom orders are not only welcomed, but strongly encouraged in order to offer you the perfect ArchImage to both accompany and watch over your sacred space.

Endemic, tribal themes include North (Native) American, South American and African deities and archetypes. Ancient, Traditional themes include Norse, Greek and Roman deities and archetypes as well as Archangels.

For additional information about Archetypes, Spirit Guides, Deities and Sacred Space, please see our Definitions section.

We hope you enjoy your visit to ArchImages.  If you have questions after viewing the "Images" and "Ordering" sections, please feel free to contact us at


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